“Overview for Spouses,” Help for Spouses (2021)
“Overview for Spouses,” Help for Spouses
Overview for Spouses
If you’ve discovered that your spouse has been viewing pornography, it’s normal to feel a range of emotions. You may be feeling angry, confused, mistrustful, rejected, disoriented, or shocked. You may not know how to cope, where to turn, or what your next steps should be.
It’s important to know that there are often multiple factors that contribute to pornography use, and sometimes they can be complicated. Your spouse may not fully understand why he or she has been involved in pornography use. But please don’t blame yourself.
As you press forward in faith, you can take comfort in knowing that you’re not alone. Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf taught: “You will not feel loneliness, sorrow, pain, or discouragement forever. We have the faithful promise of God that He will neither forget nor forsake those who incline their hearts to Him. Have hope and faith in that promise.”1