undefined undefined Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions


Who Should Serve|Types of Missions

Should I serve a mission?
Are there different types of missions?

Preparing to Serve

How can I best prepare spiritually to be a missionary?
How can I best prepare emotionally to be a missionary?
How will I pay for my mission?
When should I receive the temple endowment?
What exactly will I need? Is a list provided?

Submitting Your Papers|Receiving Your Call

When should I begin my missionary service?
How do I start the recommendation process?
How early can I submit my missionary papers?
How are missionaries called?

What to Expect on Your Mission

What will my missionary training center (MTC) experience be like?
What is a typical day like for a missionary in a proselyting mission?
How will I communicate with family and friends?

Additional Questions

I have additional questions about missionary service. Who can best answer them?