undefined undefined BYU, Justice Department Agree on Housing Policy
BYU, Justice Department Agree on Housing Policy
August 1978

“BYU, Justice Department Agree on Housing Policy,” Ensign, Aug. 1978, 79

BYU, Justice Department Agree on Housing Policy

Brigham Young University and the United States Department of Justice signed an out-of-court agreement in June, permitting BYU to continue its unmarried-student housing policies but protecting the rights of nonstudents.

The agreement, effective December 31, also paves the way for other universities to establish and maintain similar housing policies.

“We are very pleased with this resolution, not only because it means that BYU can continue its policy of requiring unmarried students to live in housing separated by sex, but also because it clarifies the right of other educational institutions to do the same, on-campus and/or off-campus, if they choose to do so,” BYU President Dallin H. Oaks said.