
One of the things we all ask ourselves is, Have we been forgiven? How do we know if the Lord has actually forgiven us? Well, sometimes we have to just go forward, and with time we find there is a feeling of peace, and we feel the Holy Ghost in our lives. Sometimes, we remember, but we remember in peace, and it no longer has the pain of guilt and sorrow that it once had. About the time the book was going to the publisher, I was made aware of an unusual experience of one of my brethren of the General Authorities. His name was Elder Robert E. Wells. I had never heard him tell this story. And although he had given many conference talks, he never spoke about it. The difficulty he had was when he was young, maybe only about 30 years old, he was a banker in South America. And he was an adventurous man, and he had an airplane. And in one case he and his wife were each flying airplanes coming back from Uruguay to Asuncion, Paraguay. And, sadly, they hit some bad weather. And suddenly he lost contact with his wife, and his wife's plane went down. She was killed, as well as two of their dear friends. He had three little children in his home. And the pain would not leave him, the guilt. He wondered if he had done enough to prepare that plane, if he had taught her well enough how to use instruments. And he felt enormous amounts of guilt for what he had done. And more than a year had passed, he told me, when, as he was praying deeply, he said, "one evening about one year later, while on my knees in prayer, a miracle occurred. While praying and pleading to my Heavenly Father, I felt as though the Savior came to my side. And I heard an audible voice speaking these words: 'Robert, my atoning sacrifice paid for your sins and your mistakes. Your wife forgives you. Your friends forgive you. I will lift your burden. Serve me. Serve your family. Serve your employer. And all will go well with you.' From that moment, the burden of guilt was amazingly lifted from me. I had been rescued." This power of forgiveness comes. It is real. It is not something that is made up in our heart or in our mind. It comes from outside of us into us, because of the power of the Atonement of Jesus Christ and His love and care for each of us.

How Do We Know the Lord Has Forgiven Us

(The Divine Gift of Forgiveness, Chapter 23) Elder Neil L. Andersen shares a story of a man who felt guilty for a tragic airplane accident involving his wife and two friends. The Savior has power to lift our burden of guilt.

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