Mental Health Efforts in 2023

Family life

Mental and emotional struggles can cause people to feel limited in their ability to connect with others or fully contribute to the world around them. By seeking treatment for these challenges, they can often feel greater joy and fulfillment and learn to be more resilient.

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Countries served by Family Services

218,170 hours of counseling was provided. The Church also facilitated 2,926 addiction recovery group meetings per week in 2023.

—Sister J. Anette Dennis, First Counselor in the Relief Society General Presidency

Family Services

Through a referral from their bishop, members of the Church who are facing mental or emotional challenges can receive care and resources from Family Services at no charge. Family Services also provides consultations for Church leaders to support their efforts to minister to members in need.

Counseling is available to:

  • Individuals
  • Couples
  • Families
  • Singe expectant parents
  • Missionaries of the Church

Programs and Courses to Support Mental Health

One resource offered through Family Services is Healing Through the Savior: The Addiction Recovery Program. The program provides support to Church members and others who struggle with compulsive behaviors and also offers support groups for their family members.

The Church also offers self-reliance groups on Finding Strength in the Lord: Emotional Resilience, which helps participants learn skills for withstanding life’s challenges.

Support Groups

Psychological First Aid

Additionally, Family Services provides emotional care during crises. For example, in 2023, teams of professional counselors were deployed to Maui, Hawaii, to provide emotional support to Church members impacted by the devastating wildfires.

Finding Hope Again

When Lucy* learned that Family Services had established a support group in Europe for survivors of sexual abuse, she felt a renewed sense of hope and belonging. These groups are offered by the Church and facilitated by trained counselors.

As a result of her participation, Lucy began to learn about how her experience had affected her psychologically, emotionally, and spiritually. “Hope left me a long time ago,” says Lucy, “but now it is coming back.”

*Name has been changed

What Can I Do?

  • Demonstrate Christlike love and kindness to your neighbors; you never know what they’re going through.
  • Support the addiction recovery program and emotional resilience groups in your area.
  • Get “Question, Persuade, Refer” training to know how to support those around you who may be having thoughts of suicide.

How Can I Get Help?

If you or a loved one struggle with mental health challenges, the Church has resources and services to help. Click the link below to learn more.