For Parents of Little Ones
July 2019

“For Parents of Little Ones,” Friend, July 2019

For Parents of Little Ones

ideas from parents

On July 24 we celebrate Pioneer Day! And it’s not just for families in Utah or for those with ancestors who pulled handcarts. Each of us have family members who helped pave the way for our success. Or maybe we are the pioneers! Here are some fun things parents and leaders have done to celebrate this holiday with little ones.

“Our family dressed up like different ancestors and ate food my parents remembered their grandparents making. We talked about the different ways our ancestors were pioneers—first to move to our country, first to go to college, first to join the Church, etc.” —Emily H.

“We sang ‘To Be a Pioneer’ (Children’s Songbook, 218) in Primary and invited converts to share their stories. While they were talking, we made homemade butter by shaking a jar of cream. We talked about what it means to be a ‘modern pioneer,’ and ended with eating rolls and butter.” —Rachel M.

“We don’t limit it to Pioneer Day—we have a home evening once a month about one of our ancestors. We tell a story about them and show a photo if we have one. We talk about the temple and how we will be with these ancestors again someday.” —Karen H.
