Doing What Jesus Would Do
May 2020

“Doing What Jesus Would Do,” Friend, May 2020

Doing What Jesus Would Do

Product Shot from May 2020 Friend

Illustrations by Stephanie Mackay

Recently a close friend told me some heartbreaking news. Her dog, Holly, had died! My friend, Alli, had really loved her dog.

As soon as I heard the news, I was devastated. Alli and I had spent year after year playing with and admiring Holly. Once we worked hard to give Holly a bath on a hot summer day. As soon as we finished washing her, she ran into the mud and her legs got all dirty!

I wanted to do something to help Alli feel better. So I made her a care package and delivered it to her doorstep. She loved the kindness I showed her. We spent a few moments of silence as we hugged each other and cried.

When I left, I realized I had done the right thing. Comforting someone is what Jesus Christ would have done. I know that everyone can set a good example and follow Christ.

Kindness Challenge

You can make a care package for someone who needs extra love. Here are some ideas.

  • Draw a picture or write a nice note.

  • Pack useful things, like tissues, pens, a notebook, or lip balm.

  • Make a treat or pack a snack.

  • Include something soft, like fuzzy socks or a small stuffed animal.

“Be ye kind” (Ephesians 4:32).
