FSY Conference Standards and Policies

Conduct at Church Activities–FSY Conferences

There are behavior expectations youth are expected to meet when attending Church activities. There are also specific behavior expectations applicable to FSY.

FSY personnel report child abuse or neglect to legal authorities consistent with legal requirements in the places where FSY conferences are held. FSY personnel may also alert legal authorities when a participant has engaged in self-harm.

Your health and safety are the first priority of FSY. You are not allowed to do anything to harm yourself or others, including climbing trees, doing flips and gymnastics, or jumping out of windows and over railings. As a general rule, your head needs to stay above your feet.

You cannot leave FSY without following the proper checkout procedures. Please see the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page for more information.

For your safety, you must remain in your room or hallway (depending on the campus) after curfew. If you break curfew, you will be sent home at your own expense.

FSY personnel are concerned about participant safety and happiness. If youth disclose anything to FSY personnel that they think could impact a participant’s long-term health or well-being, they will talk to the participant’s parents, bishop (or stake president), or all of them.

As you agreed upon registration, both youth and their parents are ultimately liable and responsible for any charges for additional cleaning, restoration, and damage to rooms, property, or equipment. Additionally, you are responsible for returning your housing key at checkout. There is no grace period for returning keys, as universities charge FSY the cost of rekeying immediately after each session. The charge for missing keys can vary from $10 to $150 per key, depending on the location.

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