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The Young Men organization promotes faith, growth, and development in young men through Sunday instruction, weekday service and activities, and annual camps and conferences. The Young Men General Presidency, which directs this organization for the whole Church, consists of a president and two counselors. These three men are responsible for supporting young men ages 12 to 18 in the Church as they serve in the Aaronic Priesthood. Members of the Young Men General Presidency travel frequently and use technology to minister to Church members around the world and to strengthen the young men of the Church, as well as their parents and local leaders.
The Young Men General Presidency works with the First Presidency, Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, Presiding Bishopric, and leaders of the Young Women organization to teach, serve, and watch over the young men of the Church and those who lead them. This includes providing opportunities for young men to lead, minister to others, study the gospel, set and achieve meaningful personal goals, and participate in fun activities.
The Young Men General Presidency counsels, inspires, and instructs bishoprics, who lead, teach, and support young men in their congregation and direct the local Young Men organization. The general presidency is assisted by members of the Young Men General Advisory Council.
Brother Steven J. Lund was sustained as Young Men general president on April 4, 2020.
Brother Bradley R. (Brad) Wilcox was sustained as the second counselor in the Young Men General Presidency on April 4, 2020. At the time of his call, he was serving as the high council and as stake young men president in the Provo Utah Grandview Stake.