Inviting others to participate in the gospel does not have to be difficult. Often it is not a matter of doing additional things, but simply adjusting how you are naturally living the gospel in your day-to-day life. Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf has taught:
“In whatever ways seem natural and normal to you, share with people why Jesus Christ and His Church are important to you. Invite them to “come and see.” Then encourage them to come and help. There are numerous opportunities for people to help in our Church… Pray daily with all your heart that you will find those who will come and see, come and help, and come and stay.” (Missionary Work: Sharing What Is in Your Heart, Apr. 2019, general conference.)
Below are some simple ideas to help invite our friends of other faiths to come and see, come and help, and come and stay.
Come and See
Invite a friend or neighbor to:
- Come see you give a talk in sacrament meeting
- Come and see you teach a lesson
- Join your family to study the life of Christ for Home Evening
- Join you for a Christmas or Easter Sacrament Meeting
- Attend a temple open house
- Come and see a baptism or priesthood ordination
- Participate in a ward activity such as a Christmas party or summer barbecue
- Participate in family history work
- Attend a self-reliance class with you
- View General Conference via social media
- View other uplifting messages from prophets and apostles on social media
Come and Help
Invite a friend or neighbor to:
- Help fulfill a service project on
- Help a neighbor move
- Participate in a ward service project
- Fulfill a work assignment at the Bishop’s Storehouse, a Church farm, or Welfare Square
- Volunteer at a humanitarian center or food kitchen
- Help set up for a ward activity
- Assist you with a project around your home
- Assist you in helping a neighbor with a project around their home
- Help put together an emergency preparedness plan
Come and Stay
You can help friends or neighbors desire to stay by:
- Introducing yourself at Church
- Inviting them to sit with you during Sunday meetings
- Showing them around the Meetinghouse
- Extending a welcome to visitors in Sunday Meetings
- Posting a ward schedule or other helpful information on a bulletin board
- Explaining the Sunday schedule and other unfamiliar things
- Spending time together outside of Sunday Meetings
- Getting to know their needs and desires
- Including them in regular weekday gatherings
- Exchanging phone numbers
- Inviting them to a ward social media group