Music Training

Learning basic music skills allows members to use their talents to serve in the Church. With the approval of priesthood leaders, stake and ward music chairmen may arrange for music training courses, seminars, and workshops. Music training programs may be provided for those who currently serve in music positions and those who may serve in the future. Participants could include stake and ward music directors, choir directors, pianists, and organists. Other interested adults and youth, including prospective missionaries, could also participate. No fee is charged for Church-sponsored training.

An annual pattern of music training could include music conducting courses, training for choir directors, ward keyboard courses, and stake or ward organ training courses. Music chairmen may consult with priesthood leaders and recommend qualified instructors who could provide this training. If a stake specialist is not available to provide this training, ward choir directors could meet together to exchange ideas, or the stake presidency could request help from outside the stake.

The Conducting Course Kit and the Keyboard Course Kit provide instruction in basic music skills. The Conducting Course manual also provides basic instruction for organizing and conducting choirs. These resources are listed in the Church Materials Catalog and are available from Church Distribution Services.

When there is not a reasonable alternative, priesthood leaders may authorize the use of meetinghouse pianos and organs for practice, paid private instruction, and recitals involving members of the units that use the meetinghouse. No admittance fee should be charged for recitals.

Ward music chairmen help find opportunities for developing musicians to use their talents and encourage them to continue developing their skills.
