Kathryn E. I. Reynolds
Relief Society Advisory Council Member
Kathryn Evelyn Irene Reynolds was born in Kiel, Germany, to John and Olinda Reynolds and was raised in Bountiful, Utah. She earned an associate degree in health science from BYU–Idaho, a bachelor’s degree from Brigham Young University (BYU) in marriage, family, and human development, and a master’s degree from BYU in marriage and family therapy (MFT). She currently works as a therapist to individuals, couples, and families at a private practice in Bountiful, Utah.
Her previous employment includes working at an in-patient treatment center helping teenage girls with learning disabilities, in Church employment as the Salt Lake Temple president’s secretary, as an executive assistant to a General Authority Seventy, and for the past five years as senior executive assistant to a member of the Quorum of the Twelve.
Prior to her call to the Relief Society general advisory council, Sister Reynolds served as Relief Society president in her single adult ward and in young single adult wards. She has served as a ward and stake Relief Society counselor; Gospel Doctrine, Relief Society, and Primary teacher; temple ordinance worker; and family history consultant. She also served as a missionary in the New York Utica Mission, where her convert father was born and raised.
Sister Reynolds enjoys being outdoors, interior design, travel, family history, and spoiling her precious nieces and nephews. Her friends call her the “gatherer.” She has found great comfort and peace in this reassuring scripture: “God is powerful to the fulfilling of all his words. For he will fulfill all his promises which he shall make unto you” (Alma 37:16–17).