Compassionate Service

In the Lord’s Way: Caring for Members Who Have Temporal or Emotional Needs

The Lord has declared, “It is my purpose to provide for my saints, for all things are mine. But it must needs be done in mine own way.” (See Doctrine and Covenants 104:15-16.)

Through His Church, the Lord has established a way to help members in need receive the temporal necessities of life. The following exercises and examples will help leaders learn how to minister to those with temporal and emotional needs “in the Lord’s way.” They illustrate the principles found in chapter 22 of General Handbook: Serving in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Gospel Library.

Responding to Temporal Needs in the Lord’s Way

What can I learn from how Jesus ministered to those with temporal needs?

When I meet with someone who is in need, what should I do or say?

Teaching the Law of the Fast

How can I help more members embrace the law of the fast?

Understanding Leaders’ Roles

What responsibilities do different ward leaders have to care for those with temporal needs?

What role does the ward council play?

Providing Assistance and Building Self-Reliance

How do I balance providing relief and building self-reliance?

Examples: How do I balance providing relief and building self-reliance?

How do I help someone develop a self-reliance plan?

What types of Church assistance can be provided?

What is the process for providing Church assistance?

How do leaders decide whom to help, with what, and how much?

How long should leaders provide assistance?

Accessing Other Resources

In what ways might other ward or stake members help meet needs?

What other Church, government, or community resources might be helpful?

Ministering to Those with Emotional Needs

When I meet with someone who is experiencing emotional challenges, what should I do or say?

What are common emotional health challenges, and how do I help address them?

Teaching Temporal Preparedness

How can I help members prepare for or prevent temporal challenges?


Self-reflection: As a leader, how am I doing?