Jeri Cahoon

Young Women Council

Sister Jeri Cahoon was called as a member of the Young Women general advisory council May 3, 2020. She was born and raised in Southern California. She and her husband, Kevin, were married in the Oakland California Temple and are the parents of three children and have eight amazing grandchildren.

She received her degree in interior design from LDS Business College (now Ensign College), and she is CEO and principal designer in her own firm specializing in residential and commercial design. A highlight of her career has been her work as an outsource designer for the Temple Department for several temples.

Sister Cahoon fell in love with missionary work and her beloved missionaries while serving with her husband as president and companion of the Mexico Saltillo Mission. Additionally, while serving in the presidency of the Salt Lake Inner City Mission, they worked with senior missionaries in Spanish and Portuguese wards and branches. Sister Cahoon has served in presidencies of the Young Women and Primary organizations and as an ordinance worker in the Salt Lake Temple.

Sister Cahoon loves her work both on and in the temples of the Lord. Spending time with family, especially grandchildren, has been her chief ambition and the greatest joy of her life.