Choosing the Right Media
By Jess Larsen
April 27, 2012

“You’re not serious, right?” That was my preteen reaction to my mom’s decision that I couldn’t go see a questionable movie with my friends. But she was serious; later we even sat down and talked about her reasons. I was disappointed at the time, but now I’m grateful my mom helped me choose the right media.
Talking about media isn’t easy, but this month’s Friend has an article that can encourage meaningful conversations: “Choose the Right Media.” My favorite part is a checklist children can use to gauge if they’re reading, watching, or listening to good media. Does is make them feel good inside and make them want to do what’s right? Good choice. Does it depict violence or make them uncomfortable? Might want to do something else. No matter how old or young your family, this article can help you choose the right media together.
Pretzel Fun
By Tiffany Lewis
April 20, 2012

We’ve had so much fun with the CTR Pretzels recipe from the January 2012 Friend. We made them for family home evening one night, and everyone got a pretzel in the shape of his or her first initial. We brushed melted butter on top and sprinkled them with cinnamon and sugar. The recipe was such a hit that my oldest son wanted to make them again for his Cub Scout troop, this time in the shape of the Cub Scout symbol. That was a bit trickier, but he managed pretty well. His troop loved them. It’ll be fun to see what shapes they come up with next!
Taking Time to Talk
By Hilary Watkins Lemon
April 13, 2012

As President Monson recently commented in general conference, we live in a busy world. I often ask myself, “How can we make the most of precious family time?”
This month’s issue of the Friend includes a page of ideas to encourage family conversations in one-on-one talks between parents and children. Even though my family is small and we have fewer obligations than larger or older families, we still have to make an effort to have meaningful talk time. Evenings easily slip away if we don’t make a conscious choice to unplug from our solo activities and come together.
If your family isn’t accustomed to talking together, start small. A few minutes at the dinner table or a quick chat in the car can be the beginning of a meaningful habit for your family!
Sharing the Story of Jesus
By Jocelyn Christensen
April 6, 2012

Easter is a wonderful time to express your love for the Savior. One Easter season, we were invited to an egg hunt hosted by a group of mothers in a playgroup we attended. Each parent was asked to bring treat-filled plastic eggs to contribute to the activity.
In addition to filling the eggs with candy, I wanted to find a way to bear testimony of Jesus Christ to our friends. I found the solution in a printable booklet from the March 2008 Friend called “The Story of Jesus Christ.” It was small enough to fit into the large plastic eggs, and it felt good to treat our little friends to something more than jelly beans!
Since then we have sought out more Christ-centered “egg-stuffers,” such as brief testimonies gathered from family members.