Get Moving!
June 24, 2016

It’s now officially summer in the northern hemisphere, and for many kids that means no school, no early mornings, and no worries! But it also means more time to think of what to do. Here are a few ideas from the Friend that will help your kids turn off the TV and get moving instead.
- “Dancing through Life” (August 2015 Friend)—Find free music at
- “Get Moving” (June 2015 Friend)—Six fun games to try.
- “The Magical Marvelous Magnificent Club” (June 2014 Friend)—Act out this script with friends or puppets.
- “The Whole Armor of God” (June 2016 Friend)—Can you make a suit of armor from things at home? Send us a photo at!
Also, did you know that there are game instructions on every Friend “Bulletin Board” page in 2016? In June, learn to play “Farmer, Farmer” on page 17.
Book Review
By Marissa Widdison
June 10, 2016
When we think about protecting our families from dangerous media, we may immediately focus on TV, internet, and movies. While we certainly need to make sure these are up to our family standards, there are other ways harmful messages can get to our children. For example, do you know what your child is reading? Increasingly, confusing messages can be found in books for all ages, even picture books for young children. The good news is, we’ve got some resources to help you out! Every year, the Friend prints book reviews of wholesome books for kids of all ages. You can find the newest one on page 20 of the June magazine, and a collection of previously published reviews on this page. Also, don’t miss this great story on pages 34–35 of the Friend about a girl who decided to stop reading stories that weren’t good for her. There’s so much good out there. Let’s help our kids find it!
Positive Experiences with Prayer
By Kim Reid
June 3, 2016

You’ve probably noticed your little ones’ attention—and feet—wandering during family prayer. It’s easier to teach children how to act during prayer when they understand why. Why should they stop looking at books and close their eyes? Why should they stop reaching for their dinner and fold their arms? You can explain that prayer is a special time when we give Heavenly Father all our attention. This shows our love for Him. And when we’re reverent, we feel His love for us and know He is watching over us.
Here are three more ways to help children have positive experiences with prayer.
- Ask your child to tell you one thing that makes him or her happy. Then pray together in thanks for just that one thing. This can help children remember where blessings come from and shows them that prayers don’t have to be long.
- When a child asks you to find a lost toy, pray together for help. Children often feel Heavenly Father’s love when He guides them to find lost things.
- During family prayer, thank Heavenly Father for your children and the good things they bring to your family. Be specific. When children feel your love during prayer, their hearts will be open to feeling Heavenly Father’s love too.