Tell Us about Conference
March 30, 2018

What did your family enjoy about general conference? Your children’s responses could be included in the May Friend! Please send us:
- Child’s picture and quote or illustration
- Name, age, and state/country of residence
- Your name in the following permission statement: “I [YOUR NAME], give my permission to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to use my child’s submission and photo on the Church websites and social media platforms as well as for Church reports, print products, video, publications, and training materials.”
We look forward to hearing from you!
Family Night with President Nelson
By Marissa Widdison
March 9, 2018
Invite our new prophet to family home evening with you! Cut out the pictures and captions on page 3 of this month’s Friend magazine and put them in a bowl or bag. During FHE, have family members take turns picking a picture and reading the caption. Then work together to put them in chronological order. You could also memorize one of quotes on page 2, or cut them out and hang them on the fridge. Talk about what it means to sustain President Nelson as the prophet, and explain that we will get to do that in a couple of weeks during general conference. Finally, to round out the night, you could watch a video about the life of President Nelson, or watch one of his messages. Here are a few that might work. Have fun during your FHE with the prophet!
- “Meet President Russell M. Nelson” (created when he was an Apostle, so the ending needs to be updated!)
- “Give Thanks”
- “Special Witness—President Nelson”
- “Sustaining the Prophets”
Easter Gratitude
By Jess Larsen Ward
March 2, 2018

The word gratitude usually makes us think of Thanksgiving, but Easter can be a holiday full of gratitude too—especially gratitude for the Savior! Easter is on April 1 this year, so now is a perfect time to help your young children think about Jesus.
Here are some ideas to help your child feel grateful for Jesus:
- Fill Easter eggs with small pictures of Jesus, like the pictures on page FJ3 of the March 2018 magazine. Have an egg hunt. After the eggs are found, put the pictures in order to talk about the life of Jesus Christ. Help children understand that Easter is a time to remember the things Jesus has done for us.
- Fill in the blank: “Thank you, Jesus, for _________________.” Write your child’s ideas on sticky notes and fill up a window or a mirror. Help them draw pictures—stick figures are OK!
- Watch videos about Jesus at Don’t forget to share your own testimony of Jesus Christ.
- Emphasize gratitude in your family prayers. Before praying to Heavenly Father, ask for ideas about what everyone is grateful for. You could even make that question a regular part of family prayer time!