Title | Sheet Music | Audio | Music Video |
“The First Vision” (April 2020 Liahona and Friend) |  | | |
“All Things Testify of Jesus” (December 2011 Friend) |  | | |
“As a Child of God” (January 2012 Friend) |  | |  |
“Because I Am a Child of God” (October 2015 Friend) |  | |  |
“The Book of Mormon Tells of Christ” (January 2020 Liahona and Friend) |  | | |
“Build an Ark” (September 2010 Friend) |  | |  |
“Close as a Quiet Prayer” (March 2019 Liahona and Friend) |  | | |
“Come, Lord Jesus” (October 2012 Friend)
A song from the Church’s musical Savior of the World. |  | | |
“Come to Bethlehem” (December 2007 Friend) |  | | |
“Family History Is the Story of Me” (July 2018 Friend) |  | | |
“The Family Is of God” (October 2008 Liahona and Friend) |  | |  |
“The Gift of the Holy Ghost” (August 2005 Friend) |  | | |
“God Loves All His Children” (October 2018 Friend) |  | | |
“God’s Christmas Gift” (December 2013 Friend) |  |  |  |
“He Came for Us” (April 2011 Friend) |  | | |
“Holding Hands around the World” (October 2003 Liahona and Friend) |  | |  |
“The Holy Temple” (January 2002 Friend) |  | | |
“I Feel the Spirit” (February 2004 Friend) |  | | |
“If I Listen with My Heart” (January 2011 Friend) |  | |  |
“I Have Faith in the Lord, Jesus Christ” (October 2007 Friend) |  | | |
“I Heard the Prophet” (October 2001 Friend) |  | | |
“I’ll Stand Tall” (January 2016 Friend) |  |  |  |
“I Know That My Savior Loves Me” (March 2015 Friend) |  | | |
“I’ll Follow Him in Faith” (February 2003 Liahona and Friend) |  | | |
“I’m Learning the Ways of Jesus” (November 2010 Friend) |  | |  |
“I Stand Prepared” (January 1995 Friend) |  | | |
“I Want to Be Baptized” (July 2005 Friend) |  | | |
“I Will Walk with Jesus—Family" (February 2020 Friend) |  |  |  |
“I Will Walk with Jesus—Children" (February 2020 Friend) |  |  |  |
“I Will Walk with Jesus—Youth" (February 2020 Friend) |  |  |  |
“Jesus’ Church Has Been Restored” (May 2017 Friend) |  | |  |
“Jesus Is My True Light” (December 2009 Friend) |  | |  |
“Latter-day Prophets” (May 2018 Friend) |  | | |
“Life is O’erflowing with Beautiful Things” (July 2009 Friend) |  | |  |
“Light the World with Love” (January 2018 Friend) |  | | |
“Love Enough” (July 2014 Friend) |  |  |  |
“Make Room for Him” (December 2017 Liahona and Friend) |  | | |
“Many Names of Jesus” (April 2017 Friend) |  |  |  |
“My Blessings” (November 1983 Friend) |  | | |
“My Christmas Testimony” (December 2019 Liahona and Friend) |  | | |
“My Covenant Path” (September 2014 Friend) |  |
|  |
“The Nativity” (December 2014 Friend) |  |  |  |
“One in a Million” (February 2011 Friend) |  |
|  |
“Our Christmas Story Tree” (December 2010 Friend) |  | |  |
“Our Time to Shine” (October 2014 Friend) |  | |  |
“Plant a Garden” (March 1997 Friend) |  | | |
“A Prophet Lives Today” (October 2003 Friend) |  | | |
“Repentance” (June 1977 Friend) |  | | |
“Reverence Is a Feeling” (September 1996 Friend) |  | | |
“The Sabbath Day” (August 2017 Friend) |  | |  |
“The Sabbath Day” (November 2004 Friend) |  | | |
“Sing of Christmas” (December 2003 Friend) |  | | |
“The Still Small Voice” (April 2006 Liahona and Friend) |  | | |
“Teach Me about the Temple” (October 2017 Friend) |  | |  |
“There Is Love in My Family Tree” (October 2016 Friend) |  |  |  |
“Truth Restored” (October 2005 Liahona and Friend) |  | | |
“The Way to Bethlehem” (December 2015 Liahona and Friend) |  | |  |
“When I Hear of Pioneer Children” (July 2016 Friend) |  |  |  |
“When I Hear the Prophet’s Voice” (September 2009 Friend) |  | |  |
“When I Return to Him” (April 2019 Liahona and Friend) |  | | |
“With Priesthood Power” (April 2018 Friend) |  | | |