General Church Leadership

The first presidency sit together in the Church Office Building. They are participating in a press conference. The image includes: Russell M. Nelson, Dallin H. Oaks, and Henry B. Eyring.

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints follows the same pattern as the church that Jesus Christ established during His mortal ministry, restored in modern times. He remains the head of the Church and directs His chosen servants as they lead.

The leaders of the worldwide Church are known as General Authorities and General Officers. General Authorities include the First Presidency, the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, General Authority Seventies, and the Presiding Bishopric. General Officers include the General Presidencies of the Relief Society, Primary, Sunday School, Young Women, and Young Men organizations.

The First Presidency is the highest governing body of the Church. Along with the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, members of the First Presidency are special witnesses of Jesus Christ. They seek the Lord’s guidance as they oversee the affairs of the Church.

General Authorities, General Officers, and other Church leaders likewise seek divine guidance as they love and serve specific groups of Church members throughout the world.

View or download a chart of General Authorities and General Officers of the Church.

General Church Leadership

First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve Apostles

The Seventy

Presiding Bishopric

General Officers

Area Leadership