Cyprus YSAs Hold First Conference in Country

  • 24 November 2010

“I saw more smiles and heard more laughter in this conference than I can remember.” —Kent Fairbanks, Larnaca Cyprus Branch president

Young single adults in the Nicosia Cyprus District participated in their first-ever young single adult conference in that country on October 16, 2010. The theme for the conference, held in the Troodos Mountains, was “Be Steadfast and Immovable,” taken from Mosiah 5:15.

Attending the conference were 20 young adults representing seven different countries and 15 leaders and workshop presenters. The conference was conducted by the members of the young adult council from the Nicosia Branch.

“Almost all of our YSAs are away from home,” said Kent Fairbanks, president of the Larnaca Branch. “Their lives are filled with stress. I saw more smiles and heard more laughter in this conference than I can remember.”

Workshop topics included tactics for conquering opposition, successful job interview techniques, and how to conquer fear through faith. There were plenty of activities and service opportunities as well.

“I loved this conference,” said Jin Yan Yan, a Chinese sister who attended the conference. “It was such a meaningful day for me.”

“Everyone had a chance to learn more about the gospel and how to prepare ourselves for good job interviews,” said Krishna Poudel, a member from Nepal. “It was fun and spiritual at the same time!”
