All about Missionaries
Missionaries share a message of happiness about God’s plan and the divine mission of Jesus Christ.
Millions of people have been blessed by missionaries
You’ve seen them on the streets. They’ve knocked at your door. In fact, there are over 65,000 full-time missionaries for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints worldwide at any given moment.
Who are the missionaries?
Missionaries are young adults who volunteer anywhere from 18 months to two years of their time to teach God’s word and help people. They leave behind jobs, college, and other opportunities so they can focus all their attention on serving others and doing what Jesus taught his Apostles:
Keep in mind, these young adults were everyday people before their missions and will return to normal life after their missions. Ask them about their hobbies, interests, and backgrounds, and you might be surprised to find you have many things in common with them.