Latter-day Saint Missionaries | Come unto Christ

All about Missionaries

Missionaries share a message of happiness about God’s plan and the divine mission of Jesus Christ. 

Millions of people have been blessed by missionaries

You’ve seen them on the streets. They’ve knocked at your door. In fact, there are over 65,000 full-time missionaries for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints worldwide at any given moment. 

Who are the missionaries?

Missionaries are young adults who volunteer anywhere from 18 months to two years of their time to teach God’s word and help people. They leave behind jobs, college, and other opportunities so they can focus all their attention on serving others and doing what Jesus taught his Apostles: 

Keep in mind, these young adults were everyday people before their missions and will return to normal life after their missions. Ask them about their hobbies, interests, and backgrounds, and you might be surprised to find you have many things in common with them. 

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How can missionaries help me?

While your relationship with God can be deeply personal, sometimes we all need a little help recognizing what God is saying to us. No matter where you are on your spiritual path, missionaries can teach gospel principles and insights that can help you on your way. Think of them as spiritual coaches who will: 

  • Help you feel closer to God 
  • Show you how to pray and receive answers from Him 
  • Help you find answers to your spiritual questions 
  • Teach you about the Savior Jesus Christ and His gospel 
  • Help you understand the scriptures 
  • Support you through your personal challenges 
  • Encourage your progress toward faith, repentance, and baptism 
  • Introduce you to a community of like-minded believers who can continue to support you in your spiritual journey

What to expect from a missionary visit

The missionaries will ask to begin the visit with a prayer. If you’re up for it, they might even ask you to say the prayer. Either way, the goal is to invite the Holy Spirit to be part of the conversation. 

They will probably spend a few minutes getting to know you and your interests. The missionaries have an entire program they can teach you, but they try to personalize their message to you and your life situation. They’ll read from the Bible and the Book of Mormon with you and invite you to pray and ask if what they teach is true. 

If you want, the missionaries will set up an appointment for another visit. During your follow-up meeting, they'll teach you more about Jesus Christ and His restored Church, and answer any questions you may have. Their program also includes messages about God’s plan for our happiness, Jesus’s sacrifice for us, faith, repentance, baptism, the Holy Spirit, and keeping God’s commandments. They’ll continue to invite you to pray, read the Book of Mormon, attend church, and even be baptized. And remember that the missionaries will go at your speed and respect your time and desire to meet with them again or not. 

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Common Questions

Below are questions often asked about members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Click here to see the full list.