Get to Know Jesus Christ by Following in His Footsteps

How Following Jesus Christ Changes Lives

“We've been members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints for a year now, and I can honestly say it has been my favorite year of my whole life.”
“I find that I feel so much better and so much more myself when I follow the teachings of Jesus Christ than I ever did when I didn't care about what they were.”
“When I have a question or when I am really struggling in life, there is always something that I read [in the Book of Mormon] that will help uplift me.”
“The Lord’s set the standard, He’s put forth commandments, and I know that when I’m keeping those commandments, I can expect God to direct me.”
“I was raised in a God-believing home, but I didn’t know if I believed in a God necessarily for myself. I started feeling this urge to pray…and [received] an answer that God was real and that he cared about me.”
“At that particular point in my life I was as low as you can go. Strangely enough, that’s exactly when the missionaries had come to our door. [Joining the Church] put me on the path that I needed to be on.”
“I instantly felt accepted, cared for, and loved [when I came to church]. Everyone was introducing themselves and making me feel so welcome. I felt like I was walking into a house with a family.”
“To see these acts of kindness from so many people, to me that is church. That is what believing in Christ … and serving others looks like.”
Be Inspired by Following in His Footsteps

The Walk with Christ Email Series Includes:

Walk with Christ

Day 01

Luke 4:1-14

The Judean Desert

The Setting

Welcome to the Walk with Christ email experience. Across these ten emails, we'll be taking a journey of reflection and celebration as we retrace Jesus’s footsteps together. To begin His ministry, Jesus spent 40 days in the lonely stretch of desert that reached east of Jerusalem to the banks of the Dead Sea. He spent His time immersed in fasting and prayer, as He reflected upon the great work He was about to perform on the behalf of all humanity.

The Invitation

Over the next two days, you're invited to set aside some time to be by yourself to prepare mentally and spiritually for what lies ahead. Even 15 minutes of thoughtful reflection can help bring peace and purpose to your heart.

Walk with Christ

Day 02

Luke 4:16-22

Synagogue, Nazareth

The Setting

In Nazareth, Jesus entered the synagogue on the Jewish Sabbath day (Saturday). During the service, He stood and read from the scriptures. He chose a passage from Isaiah’s prophecies that specifically foretold His mission to “preach the gospel to the poor, … heal the brokenhearted, … [and] preach deliverance to the captives” (Luke 4:18).

The Invitation

Over the next two days, open the Bible and find a passage that personally inspires you. If possible, try to find verses you've never read before, or take familiar verses and look for a new perspective on their meaning.

Walk with Christ

Day 03

John 4:3-30


The Setting

While traveling through Samaria, Jesus Christ asked a woman to draw water for Him from a well. Jesus then shared His divine message with the woman. He was not deterred by the fact that the woman had made some mistakes in her life. Jesus saw her for who she could become.

The Invitation

Take some time to write down some goals for the person you want to be. And while you do it, remember that Jesus Christ can help us overcome the things in our past that may be holding us back.

Walk with Christ

Day 04

Matthew 4:18-22

Sea of Galilee

The Setting

When Jesus was traveling along the coast of the Sea of Galilee, He saw fishermen casting their nets offshore. Jesus called out to them and invited them to join Him and become fishers of men. The men left their nets behind and joined Jesus Christ.

The Invitation

From digital devices to less-than-uplifting entertainment choices, what's something you could leave behind for the day to help you spend more time on the things that truly matter, like family, friends, and faith?

Walk with Christ

Day 05

Luke 17:11-19

The Road to Jerusalem

The Setting

Jesus was walking south toward Jerusalem, when He was approached by a group of ten people afflicted with leprosy. Jesus Christ gave them a simple instruction to go show themselves to the local priest, where they were pronounced clean. Yet only one of them came back to thank Jesus.

The Invitation

Dedicate a day to expressing gratitude—in person, online, over the phone, and in prayer. Also, like the one leper who returned, don’t forget to take time to pray and offer thanks for the influence of Jesus Christ in your life.

Be Inspired by Following in His Footsteps

Walk with Christ

Day 06

Matthew 6:5-15

Mount of Beatitudes

The Setting

It was on the Mount that Jesus gave us the pattern for truly meaningful prayer, along with many other timeless teachings. The Lord's Prayer shows us how to express thanks to our Heavenly Father and ask for help in our lives.

The Invitation

You're invited to strengthen your relationship with God through prayer the way Jesus taught. Offer a prayer following the pattern laid out in the Lord's Prayer.

Walk with Christ

Day 07

John 11:1-46

House of Lazarus, Bethany

The Setting

When Jesus Christ arrived in the town of Bethany, His friend Lazarus, the brother of Mary and Martha, had already passed away and had been in the tomb four days. Jesus was about to perform His greatest miracle yet by raising their brother from the dead. But before He did that, Jesus took the time to weep with them and acknowledge their pain.

The Invitation

Sometimes all we can do to help someone is let them know we love them and are there for them. Please take some time in the next two days to reach out to someone you know who is struggling with loss, sickness, or other difficulties, so they know they're not alone.

Walk with Christ

Day 08

Luke 22:39-46

Gethsemane, The Mount of Olives

The Setting

The Mount of Olives is a mile-long ridge that rises above the east side of Jerusalem. It was there that Jesus Christ kneeled down and did what only He could do. In Gethsemane, the Son of God prayed, suffering in anguish as He began to take upon Himself the sins and afflictions of all people.

The Invitation

Jesus did what He did because you are worth it. You are a child of God with tremendous value. Write down your good qualities, and remind yourself of your potential to be the best version of yourself you can be.

Walk with Christ

Day 09

Luke 23:33-34


The Setting

At Golgotha, Jesus was crucified while surrounded by people who cruelly mocked Him. Instead of condemning the Roman soldiers who crucified Him, He asked His Father to “forgive them, for they know not what they do” (Luke 23:34).

The Invitation

Think of someone you would like to forgive. Write them a letter forgiving them. It doesn't have to be more than a few sentences long. You don't need to send it. Just write it and see how it feels.

Walk with Christ

Day 10

John 20:1-18

The Garden Tomb

The Setting

After Jesus Christ died upon the cross, His heartbroken followers placed His body inside a garden tomb. On the third day, the tomb was found empty. Imagine the joy felt by His followers when they saw their dear teacher, leader, master, and friend alive, as a glorious resurrected being.

Be Inspired by Following in His Footsteps