Prayer for Healing

Get Answers to Six Essential Questions about Prayer

If you have questions about prayer, you’re not alone. Over a series of emails, receive answers to essential questions about prayer and explore the many ways you can strengthen your connection to God.

How Prayer Changes Lives

“700 days after I had pleaded with God in my closet, I felt something I had never felt in my life, something 20 times stronger than any drug I had ever taken. It was as if someone were hugging me.”
“I knelt in prayer and basically just poured my heart out and told God I really, really needed his help. This overwhelming feeling of peace completely surrounded me. All the feelings of unrest, pain, negativity, they were completely gone.”
“He cares, because He’s having others reach out to me. I just felt like my burden started getting lighter. ... Now I actually have a good relationship with God.”
“At that particular point in my life I was as low as you can go. Strangely enough, that’s exactly when the missionaries had come to our door. [Joining the church] put me on the path that I needed to be on.”
How Family Prayer can be Rewarding for Parents
Family Prayer
A mom and dad talk about how the simple tradition of praying together has strengthened their family.
“I was raised in a God-believing home, but I didn’t know if I believed in a God necessarily for myself. I started feeling this urge to pray… and [received] an answer that God was real and that he cared about me.”
“I instantly felt accepted, cared for, and loved [when I came to church]. Everyone was introducing themselves and making me feel so welcome. I felt like I was walking into a house with a family.”
Get Answers to Questions about Prayers for Healing

‘Prayer: The Essential Questions’ Includes:

Prayer the essential Questions

What Is Prayer? (Email #1)

Thank you for signing up for the Prayer email experience. Prayer is bigger than any one–size–fits–all definition. This email series will help you explore what prayer means to you specifically.

Prayer the essential Questions

Why Do We Pray? (Email #2)

Prayer isn’t a conversation between you and some mysterious force living on a cloud. God is your Father. You are His child, and He loves you more than you could ever imagine. He wants to hear from you.

Prayer the essential Questions

When and Where Do We Pray? (Email #3)

God hears your prayers no matter when or where you’re praying. Instead, it’s about where your heart is when you pray.

Prayer the essential Questions

How Do I Pray? (Email #4)

When you think of how to pray, the most important consideration is that you do it honestly and sincerely. If those two elements are in place, God will make up for other limitations you might have.

Prayer the essential Questions

Who Do I Pray For? (Email #5)

You can start with praying for the people you love. So you may begin by praying for your family and friends. But as you embrace Jesus Christ, your capacity to love can expand to include other people.

Prayer the essential Questions

How Do I Get Answers? (Email #6)

Imagine you’re at a place where you feel comfortable pouring out your heart in prayer. What if you’re still not sure God is saying anything back to you? The Holy Ghost, sometimes referred to as the Spirit, is how God comforts, instructs, warns, and guides us.

Prayer the essential Questions

Keep the Inspiration Coming (Email #7)

Thank you for participating in the Prayer email experience. Wherever you are on your journey to more meaningful prayer, we hope you’ll keep praying and listening for answers. Even though that email series has concluded, you can still look forward to more uplifting content coming your way.

Get Answers to Questions about Prayers for Healing