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You Can Find Forgiveness through Jesus Christ
“For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved” (John 3:17).

Whatever mistakes you’ve made, Jesus is ready to forgive you and replace feelings of guilt and shame with His love. He understands you perfectly and suffered for your sins so you could repent and start again. As you begin your journey of healing and repentance, missionaries can help.

Learn how to apply Jesus’s teachings of repentance and forgiveness. Request a visit with missionaries.

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See how Jesus’s forgiveness has blessed the lives of others

What to expect from your visit

We’re excited to meet you and to help you find forgiveness through Jesus Christ. Here’s what your visit might be like:

  1. We’ll get to know each other.
  2. We’ll pray together.
  3. We’ll talk about forgiveness, repentance, and more of Jesus’s teachings.
  4. We’ll invite you to find strength and renewal as you worship with a loving church community.
Jesus heals a man born blind

Because of Jesus’s sacrifice, you can be forgiven of your sins and find the strength you need to make lasting changes in your life. Wherever you are right now, you are never too far from the Savior’s merciful reach.

4 Questions about Forgiveness


How is forgiveness possible?

During the last week of Jesus’s life, He took upon Himself the sins of the world in a sacrifice that began in the Garden of Gethsemane and continued on the cross. He suffered greatly, feeling the weight of every sin and the pain of every person who would ever live. He chose to pay the price for our offenses, knowing that we could not pay that debt on our own. Because of His sacrifice, we can find forgiveness if we turn to Him in humility and repent.


What does it mean to repent?

Repentance is much more than recognizing wrongdoings or saying we are sorry. It is a change of mind and heart that includes turning away from sin and turning to Jesus for help and forgiveness. As you repent, He can give you the strength you need to overcome any shortcomings and become better.


Can all sins be forgiven?

Jesus paid the price for every sin. You may have felt that your sins are too serious or that you have made the same mistake too many times. But no matter how many times you have sinned, you can repent and be forgiven (see Mosiah 26:30). Some sins may be easier to correct than others, but ultimately Jesus is eager to forgive.


What are the blessings of forgiveness?

If you have sinned, you may carry with you a heavy burden of guilt, shame, and sorrow. However, when you fully repent, Jesus will take that weight from you. If you turn to Him, Jesus can heal your wounded heart and help you forgive yourself and others. You can find relief, peace, joy, and freedom as you strive to stay clean and follow His teachings.   

As you seek the Savior’s forgiveness, missionaries can help guide you along the path of redemption and love. Learn more about repentance, forgiveness, and the many other blessings found in the gospel of Jesus Christ. Request a visit with missionaries today.

How to begin your journey of repentance and forgiveness:

  • When you have a quiet moment alone, pause to reflect on the mistakes you may have made in your life. Say a prayer and ask God earnestly to forgive you.
  • If your sins have hurt someone else in the past, consider what you could do to make amends or repair the relationship. 
  • As you strive to do better, fill your life with uplifting activities that can give you spiritual strength and help you stay on track.

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A young couple praying for forgiveness