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Get Comfort and Guidance from the Holy Spirit
As you learn to recognize the influence of the Holy Spirit with the help of missionaries, God will direct your life for good.

The Holy Spirit can bring you answers and direction from God, comfort and strengthen you, and testify of eternal truths. Learn how to invite the Holy Spirit’s inspiration into your life and find clarity about God’s plan for you as you meet with missionaries. 

Live your life with the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Meet with missionaries to learn how.

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Real people share their experiences with the Holy Spirit

What to expect from your visit

We’re excited to meet you and help you come to know God better. Here’s what your visit might be like: 

  1. We’ll get to know each other. 
  2. We’ll pray together. 
  3. We’ll learn about God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit. 
  4. We’ll invite you to worship with us at church. 
A young woman ponders

When you live a life that invites the influence of the Holy Spirit, you can find greater peace and clarity. Missionaries can teach you more about the role of the Holy Spirit and how to recognize the still, small voice guiding you. 

Who is the Holy Spirit?

The Holy Spirit is the third member of the Godhead along with God the Father and Jesus Christ. We believe the Godhead is made up of three distinct beings, perfectly united in purpose.

You might have heard the Holy Spirit referred to by other names, including the “Holy Ghost” and the “Comforter.” In the New Testament, Jesus taught, “But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you” (John 14:26).  

How can the Holy Spirit help me?

Through the power of the Holy Ghost, you can receive a witness of Jesus Christ’s role as your Savior, of God’s love for you, and of other eternal truths. The Book of Mormon promises that if you pray sincerely and with “real intent” to act on the things you learn, “by the power of the Holy Ghost ye may know the truth of all things” (Moroni 10:4–5).

When you are living a life that invites the influence of the Holy Spirit, He can warn you of danger—both spiritual and physical—and provide you with comfort and peace.

When you are baptized and receive the gift of the Holy Ghost by someone with priesthood authority from God, you are promised to have the influence of the Holy Spirit in your life always if you follow God’s commandments and avoid things that offend the Spirit. Through the gift of the Holy Ghost, you can be cleansed and purified from sin as you repent and receive God’s forgiveness. 

How can I feel the Holy Spirit?

Feelings and impressions from the Holy Spirit can be experienced in many different ways. Sometimes you may feel like someone flipped on a light switch, suddenly illuminating the way. But often the inspiration is more gradual—like a sunrise. Isaiah 28:10 describes this as “line upon line; here a little, and there a little.”

The Bible also describes the Holy Spirit as a “still small voice” (1 Kings 19:12) that speaks to us in our hearts and minds. You may experience His influence as a warm feeling of comfort and reassurance, a sudden stroke of inspiration, or a persistent prompting to do something.

How can missionaries help me?

You invite the Holy Ghost’s influence into your life when you live the gospel of Jesus Christ. Missionaries from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints volunteer their time to teach people the gospel of Jesus Christ. They can help you learn how to live a life that invites the Holy Ghost’s influence and how to recognize divine inspiration when it comes. They can also help you learn to pray, study God’s word in the scriptures with you, and invite you to draw closer to God as you worship with us at church.   

Ways to invite the Holy Spirit into your life:

  • Ask God for guidance and answers to specific questions when you pray. 
  • After praying, take time to quiet your mind and focus on the questions you just asked. 
  • Prayerfully search for answers in the scriptures. 
  • Worship at church—a great place to feel the Holy Spirit. 
  • Choose music, movies, and other media that are wholesome and uplifting. 

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A young man studies the scriptures to invite the Holy Spirit into his life