Life after death isn’t a mystery. It’s a promise we can look forward to with faith, an assurance that existence doesn’t end at the grave. Through Jesus Christ, each of us will live again. Through Him we each can live with God and our families forever. No matter what trials or grief we may face in life, the promise of life after death can bring us hope and understanding. It also underscores that who we are and what we do in this life matters not only today but in eternity. You can discover this hope and knowledge for yourself by learning with missionaries.
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People share how their knowledge of life after death brings hope
“I am so blessed to have the peace that I have that comes from my understanding that comes from what this life is about and what there is beyond it. … We can be with our families in the next life. We will be together again. And that allows me to find peace with even the most tragic of circumstances.”
“How grateful I am to know that [my father], who raised me and loved me, taught me how to work and to play—I will see him again, and I will be with him again.”
“Life isn’t fair. … But life doesn’t have to be fair, because there’s so much more that God is offering us. And that’s why bad things can happen. This is not forever. This is not the end. This is not the final product.”
“Now it is written on my heart that I know I will see [my daughter] again. And because of that change in perspective, it changes everything about the way that I live and the choices I make.”
What should I expect from my missionary visit?
We’re excited to meet you and help you come to know God better. Here’s what your visit might be like:
- We’ll get to know each other.
- We’ll pray together.
- We’ll learn about the gospel of Jesus Christ and God’s plan for you.
- We’ll invite you to worship with us at church.
Because of Jesus Christ, death isn’t final, which means family connections can last beyond this life. We can find hope and comfort in the knowledge that the love we share now doesn’t end at the grave.
Learn More about Life after Death
Will I still exist after death?
If there’s one question that has been asked more times than any other in human history, it might be this one: What happens after we die? The answer is simple, clear, and unequivocal: there is life after death.
Because God loves us, He sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to make such a miracle possible. Jesus died, as all of us will someday, but on the third day He rose from the tomb. Through His sacrifice and victory over death, He not only made it possible for us to repent and turn away from sin, but He also ensured that each of us will live again and have the chance to see our loved ones again. The knowledge that our most important relationships in life can last forever brings hope and comfort. As the Apostle Paul taught, “O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?” (1 Corinthians 15:55).
What happens after we die?
When we die, our spirits leave our bodies behind. The Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ explains what happens next: “The spirits of all men [and women], as soon as they are departed from this mortal body, yea, the spirits of all men [and women], whether they be good or evil, are taken home to that God who gave them life” (Alma 40:11). The people who kept God’s commandments will be “received into a state of happiness, which is called paradise, a state of rest, a state of peace, where they shall rest from all their troubles and from all care, and sorrow” (Alma 40:12).
Joyful as that existence might be, this state of happiness won’t be the end of our journey after death. Because Jesus Christ has “broken the bands of death” (Mosiah 15:23), our spirits will eventually be reunited with our bodies, which will no longer be subject to illness, defects, or frailty. This glorious event is called “resurrection,” but even it isn’t the end either. As a reward for our efforts on earth, virtually everyone will be assigned to one of three kingdoms of glory, where we will live for all eternity. If we live as God commanded us to, doing our best to follow Jesus’s teachings, we will attain the highest kingdom, what Paul called the “third heaven” (2 Corinthians 12:2), and live with our righteous family members in God’s presence forever.
Why does this knowledge matter today?
Knowing that there’s life after death and that you can see your family members who’ve passed on can bring tremendous hope to our lives. We can find peace and perspective in our grief. This knowledge also helps us understand that who we are and what we do in life can have eternal impact. Missionaries from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints can help you learn about Jesus’s teachings so you know what God wants you to do to live with Him forever someday.
4 ways to find peace and hope in the face of death:
- Focus on things that matter most in this life and the hereafter, like spending time with family, improving your relationship with God, serving others, and increasing in knowledge and wisdom.
- Find a quiet place to read some verses about life after death and the Resurrection. Pay attention to thoughts and feelings that come to you as you read.
- Pray for comfort and assurance that you can see your loved ones again.
- Hear a recent modern-day prophet testify of life after death.