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What Is the Purpose of Life?
God sent you to earth to learn and grow. Throughout your life, you will feel both joy and sorrow, learn to build relationships, and face difficult choices. These experiences help you become more like your Heavenly Father.

Have you ever wondered where you came from or why you’re here on earth? Sometimes the big questions in life can keep us up at night, filling us with anxiety and doubt. Find peace of mind as you learn more about the purpose of life, your infinite worth as a child of God, and how you can find joy on your journey as you come to know Jesus Christ.

Learn about God’s plan of happiness for you. Schedule a visit with missionaries.

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See how understanding God’s plan has blessed others

What to expect from your visit

We’re excited to meet you and to help you learn more about God’s plan and the purpose of life. Here’s what your visit with missionaries might be like:

  1. We’ll get to know each other. 
  2. We’ll pray together. 
  3. We’ll talk about God’s love, the pathway back to Him, and the blessings of following His Son, Jesus Christ.   
  4. We’ll invite you to grow closer to God and Jesus by worshipping with us at church.
A young woman looks out the window thinking about God’s plan for her

Because He loves you, God has created a perfect plan for your life. As you come to understand that plan and learn to trust in His will, you can face every day with faith and find greater fulfillment.

God’s Plan Gives Purpose and Meaning to Life

What is God’s plan?

God’s plan for you starts and ends with love. He is your Heavenly Father, and you are His child. You lived with Him in heaven before you were born. Because God loves you, He wants you to grow, find happiness, and one day return to live with Him. To achieve that goal, He created a perfect plan where you could receive a physical body, face challenges, make choices, and become more like Him by following the example of Jesus Christ. God knows that you can only reach your full potential by experiencing the happiness and hardships of mortality.

You are not alone

Though you walk by faith in this life, you never have to walk alone. God gave you several tools to help you navigate this world on your journey back to Him. He blessed you with His commandments, a moral compass, the holy scriptures, and prophets who speak on His behalf. He has surrounded you with people—strangers, acquaintances, friends, and family members—to uplift and support you on your path. Finally, He gave you the gift of His Son (see John 3:16) to save you from sin and to show you the way.

Jesus is your Savior

God knew that we would all make mistakes, so He sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to pay the price for our sins. When you repent, commit to follow Jesus, and strive to do better, God promises to forgive you of your wrongdoings. You can be free from the burden of shame and sorrow, and the stain of your sins can be made “white as snow” (Isaiah 1:18) through the redeeming power of Jesus Christ. No matter how far you fall, you can always find your way back to God if you turn to Jesus Christ.

Family relationships are central to God’s plan

Jesus’s teachings of love and compassion can help you strengthen your family relationships and develop meaningful connections with others. While many things in this life are temporary (money, power, material possessions), family relationships can endure forever. Through God’s plan of happiness, you and your family can live in His presence throughout eternity.

While sometimes this life can seem confusing and complex, God’s plan for you is beautifully simple. If you’re feeling a little lost on the path or unsure of where to start, missionaries can help you find your way. Meet with us to learn more about who you are, where you came from, and how Jesus Christ can help you overcome challenges and return to live with God.

Deepen your understanding of your life’s purpose:

  • Ask God to strengthen you as you tackle the unique challenges of life. Pray for increased faith in Jesus Christ and an understanding of what choices will bring you the most happiness.
  • Read the following scriptures about the purpose of life, and ponder what they mean to you:  
  • Focus on applying Jesus’s teachings in your life and in your relationships with others. Think of someone you can help, serve, or show love to.

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