Love One Another

Jesus was the ultimate example of love. We can follow His example when we seek to serve the people around us.

Jesus sitting next to little boy

A new commandment

During His life on earth, Jesus Christ taught the importance of loving others. He called it one of the greatest commandments.

“Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.” —Matthew 22:37–39

Jesus taught that the love of God and of our neighbor is the foundation of His gospel. Near the end of His ministry, He expanded on this teaching when He taught: “A new commandment I give unto you, that ye love one another; as I have loved you. … By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another” (John 13:34–35). When we have love for one another, it’s easier to be like Jesus—we’re more patient, forgiving, and compassionate with the people around us.

Jesus kneels in front of woman and child

How did Jesus show His love?

Jesus raises a sick man
He healed the sick

Jesus healed many people during His ministry. He cured people of leprosy, restored a blind man’s sight, treated a woman’s chronic illness, and helped a paralyzed man walk.

Jesus holding a basket of fish and a basket of bread with a multitude in the background
He fed the hungry

During Jesus’s ministry, a large crowd gathered to hear His words. He taught them almost all day, and they became very hungry because they had nothing to eat. Miraculously, He was able to feed all 5,000 people in the crowd with five loaves of bread and two fish.

Jesus hugging a man crouched on the ground
He showed forgiveness

Jesus forgave people’s past sins when they repented, and He encouraged them to correct their course moving forward.

Jesus sits with humble man
He befriended the outcasts

Jesus was known to reach out to those who lived on the fringes of society. He showed love to people from all backgrounds and beliefs.

Jesus praying in the garden of Gethsemane
He died for us

Jesus’s mission in coming to earth was to save us from death and sin. He suffered unimaginable pain so that we could repent and be forgiven of our sins.

Following Jesus’s example

Just like Jesus, we can make a difference in people’s lives when we show sincere love for one another. Here’s how:

1. Serve others

Jesus taught that whenever we serve others—whenever we feed the hungry or clothe the naked or take care of the sick—we’re serving Him.

“Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.” —Matthew 25:40

Jesus sitting, surrounded by His disciples

Ideas for serving others

Man using cell phone outside
Next time you receive a text message, tell the sender why you appreciate them
Young women packing boxes of canned food
Donate items to your local secondhand store or charity
Women standing and smiling outside
Point out a virtue in someone that they don’t see in themselves
Women reading magazine together outside on bench
Teach someone a new skill
Father teaches his son to play baseball
Attend an event to support someone you know
Man helping older woman carry her groceries
Offer to help an older adult with an errand
Young women smiling and painting the side of a building
Spend an hour volunteering at a local nonprofit
Group of people help cut vegetables in a food kitchen
Make a donation to a local food bank or prepare a meal for someone in need
Mother sitting with two daughters while reading a magazine
Offer to watch someone’s children free of charge
Women smile and arrange cups
Eat lunch with someone new at school or work

Want More Service Ideas?

Find opportunities to serve in your local community (available in most areas).

2. Be kind

Jesus was kind, patient, and compassionate. He reached out and showed love to all people, regardless of their circumstances. He showed empathy and was supportive of others’ future progress.

3. Reach out to people in need

Sometimes the people who need us most don’t always tell us. As you go through your day, look out for people who might need your help. God often uses us to serve those in need. Pay attention to any thoughts and feelings that inspire you to act—that may be God encouraging you to reach out.

People sitting in pews of a church congregation singing

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