The Restoration of the Church of Jesus Christ | Come unto Christ

The Restoration of the Church of Jesus Christ

In the New Testament, we read that Jesus Christ established His Church, “built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets” (Ephesians 2:20). But after the death of Peter and other Apostles, the original Church, along with God’s authority, was lost. In 1820, God and Jesus called a new prophet to reestablish the Church of Jesus Christ in its fulness.

The Restoration

Watch a portrayal of the divinely guided events that unfolded as Jesus restored His Church through a young man named Joseph Smith.

A Proclamation to the World

“In humility, we declare that in answer to his prayer, God the Father and His Son, Jesus Christ, appeared to Joseph and inaugurated the ‘restitution of all things’ (Acts 3:21) as foretold in the Bible.” Read the official declaration released in 2020 about the restoration of Jesus’s gospel.

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