Single Adults | Come unto Christ

Single Adults

Single adult congregations provide an opportunity for single people to fellowship, serve, and learn to live Christlike lives with others in their peer group. Because no matter your stage of life, it’s important to follow Jesus Christ and strive to be your best.

A group of young single adults mingle together after a church meeting

The social scene

Singles congregations (or wards) are highly sociable. In addition to their normal Sunday meetings, members of a singles ward get together during the week for extra activities. The specific activities depend on the individual congregation, but you might see talent shows, sports leagues, barbecues, movie nights, and more.

Like it or hate it, one of the biggest parts of the singles wards’ social scene is dating. These congregations give people a chance to meet those with similar values and interests, and many happily married Latter-day Saint couples will tell you that they met in a singles ward. But that’s not everything singles wards are about. When you get down to it, they’re about giving people a place where they can feel accepted, loved, and supported by others in a similar phase of life—and where everyone can grow their faith in Jesus Christ together.

Hear Others’ Experiences

Spiritual support

In helping people grow closer to Christ, singles wards are a lot like any other Latter-day Saint congregation. They also have a men’s group (elders quorum) and women’s group (Relief Society), both overseen by local leaders. The Church’s ministering program (where every member of the ward has someone assigned to look out for their needs) helps to make sure everyone gets taken care of.

Institutes of religion

Another way young single adults can strengthen their faith is by attending an institute of religion. Many institute buildings are next to college campuses, but in other areas, institute is taught in classrooms, Church buildings, homes, or office buildings. No matter where it’s found, institute provides classes where people can learn more about gospel topics from knowledgeable instructors. 


Everyone brings something unique to the singles ward, and you’re no exception. A ward is only as good as the people who work to lift each other up, which is why we need people like you. If you’re in the age range of a singles ward (18–30 for young single adult wards and 31 and over for single adult wards), come join us this Sunday or at one of the weekly activities and see how we can strengthen each other.

Church members greet one another at the end of a Sunday service

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