10 Ways to Help Your Family Be Closer to God | Come unto Christ

10 Ways to Help Your Family Be Closer to God

Raising a family may be one of the hardest but also one of the most rewarding things you'll ever do. With so many negative influences in the world today, focusing on family has never been more important. These ten suggestions will help your family grow closer to one another and to God.

A young family walk to church

Read God’s word together

When you read the scriptures as a family, you will invite God’s Spirit to be in your home. Your children will learn how to apply God’s teachings in their lives and receive guidance from God for themselves. Even if you only read one verse together each morning, studying the scriptures will help your family draw closer to God.


Serve others together

Perform small acts of service together as a family. Whether you do formal volunteer work, rake the leaves in a neighbor’s yard, or simply bring soup to a sick family member, compassionate service will bring your family closer to each other and to your Heavenly Father. We read in the scriptures, “When ye are in the service of your fellow beings ye are only in the service of your God” (Mosiah 2:17). 


Express love for each other often

Jesus Christ said, “This is my commandment, That ye love one another, as I have loved you” (John 15:12). Regularly remind each member of your family how much you love them. Even if you’re sure they already know, expressing love will always bring joy and invite God’s Spirit into your home.  


Pray together as a family

God blesses families who pray together with increased peace, love, and happiness in the home. Whether you have small children or grown children, family prayer can help your family draw closer to one another. 

Families can be together forever. Meet with missionaries to learn how.

Because of Jesus Christ, the joy and love of families can be strengthened in this life and continue in the next.

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Spend mealtime together

Make an effort to gather the whole family around the table during dinnertime. Regularly getting the whole family together during mealtime can help build better relationships. It will help increase the love in your home.


Teach good values

As a parent, it’s your responsibility to teach your children good values and principles. Teach your children about God and Jesus Christ. Help them understand the difference between right and wrong. Good values lead to good choices, and good choices always lead to God. 

Growing Closer to God Blesses Families


Go to church together

Attending church together will help reinforce your family values and bring each member of your family closer to God. It can also provide you and your children with a sense of community.


Start traditions together

Traditions help your family members feel like they’re a part of something bigger. Carry on traditions you learned from your own family or start your own. Even if it’s something simple, like making brownies every Sunday or going caroling on Christmas Eve, the traditions you have will make lasting memories and help your family become closer.


Learn about your ancestors

Teach your children about your parents, your parents’ parents, and your ancestors that came before them. Learning about and recording your family history will help your children understand that they’re a part of something bigger than themselves—a beloved son or daughter in God’s eternal family.


Hold a weekly family night

With all the demands of everyday life, uninterrupted family time can be scarce. Latter-day Saints set aside one night a week for family night when they spend time together, eat treats, learn the gospel, and have fun. It’s a good way to keep family time a priority—because after all, what’s more important than your family?

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A family walks along the beach smiling