Videos to Share
Share goodness with friends and loved ones. Browse videos about faith, family, and hope and send one to someone who could use a boost.
Find inspiration and feel closer to God through these faith-promoting videos focused on Jesus. Download and share to uplift friends and family.

Each of us has come from different circumstances, but each of us has also been invited to come closer to Jesus Christ, learn more of His teachings, and continue to grow.
Jesus Christ is our Savior. We celebrate His life and Resurrection and invite all to share His miraculous story.
The word of God is there to help us in our daily lives. Discover the power of the Bible by feasting daily upon God’s word.
Just as Jesus Christ spoke to His disciples in ancient times, He speaks to us today. Listen to His words and teachings.
What happens when we mute the noise around us and listen with our hearts? That’s when we can feel the influence of Jesus Christ.
This depiction of the Nativity story recounts in beautiful detail the sacred events found in the Bible about Jesus’s birth over 2,000 years ago. Journey with Joseph and Mary from Nazareth to Bethlehem. Witness the awe of the shepherds on the plains of Judea. Feel the joy of the wise men as they kneel before the Light of the World—our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
Find strength through these videos focused on family. Download your favorite or send it to someone in your own family who needs an encouraging message.
If you ever feel like you’re not enough, remember that to some you are everything. Women are creators of heaven on earth, partners with God in His work.
In this inspirational tribute to parenthood and family, a young father reflects back on the day that changed everything—the day his daughter was born.
Every heartbeat began with a mom. She willingly accepted this sleepless, sticky, soul-stretching job.
Motherhood can feel like participating in a race without a finish line: slow at times, frantic at others, exhausting and exhilarating all at once. No matter your circumstances, Heavenly Father promises blessings as you participate in this essential work of salvation.
The family is the most basic and important unit in society and the highest priority for members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Challenged by their bishop, three youth learn what it takes to make their home a holy place.
Bryan’s daughter Holland had just turned 3 years old when doctors discovered a tumor the size of a golf ball in her brain. The events that followed challenged Bryan’s faith in God like nothing before.
Enjoy, download, and share messages of hope possible through the gospel of Jesus Christ.
The eight Bonner siblings and their parents, all talented vocalists in their own right, gathered from around the country to compose and record this original song based on the hymn “I Need Thee Every Hour.”
We don’t always get to choose the circumstances we face in life. But Vance Taylor shows us that we can choose how we respond.
For years, Lindsey Stirling battled an eating disorder that not only drove her actions but convinced her she was worthless. Through prayer she found the true Healer, who understood her and her “incurable disease.”
Church begins on Sunday, but does it end there? Imagine if church extended beyond the four walls of a building to inspire us every day.
From heartache to hope, take a journey through the grieving process.
Kathy was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis after 16 years of marriage. She assumed her husband would face the challenge with her. He decided he could not and filed for divorce. When her sons grew up, they had to come to her house every night and morning to help her in and out of bed. The work became too much for them to do alone. A group of 50 men—friends, neighbors, and Church members—offered to help.