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First Time Visiting? We’d Love to Meet You.

Request a visit from missionaries. We’ll help you know what to expect at church. Then we’ll be at the door to greet you and sit with you on Sunday!

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Common Questions about Church

Do I have to participate at church?
Visitors are welcome to participate, but they are not required to. When the bread and water of the sacrament (or Communion) are distributed to the congregation, if you don’t feel comfortable participating, simply pass the tray to the next person. Other than that, feel free to sit back and just enjoy the service.
Can I participate if I’m not a member?
Yes! You are invited to join us for weekly activities, social outings, service projects, and Church services. We’d love to get to know you and will appreciate your involvement in the community.
What should I wear at church?
You’re welcome to come in any clothes you feel comfortable in. Most men wear button-up shirts and ties, women typically wear dresses or skirts, and children usually dress up too.
How long are Church services?
Each meeting is one hour. If you attend both sacrament meeting and one of the meetings for men, women, or children, you can expect services to be about two hours long.

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