Who Am I? | Life’s Big Questions

Life’s Big Questions

Who Am I?

You are a child of God, with a unique identity and purpose.

A girl smiles toward the camera outside

The Bible teaches that each of us is “the offspring of God” (Acts 17:29), created in His image (see Genesis 1:27). As a child of God, you have infinite potential and worth. Understanding this can bring a greater sense of purpose and meaning to your life. 

There might be times in your life when you go through a major life change that makes you wonder who you are without a job you lost or a relationship that ended. But no matter what happens to you—no matter what you may lose—you will always be a child of God.  

A woman stands outside smiling

Julie Hillyard on God’s Plan

Julie Hillyard’s son faces challenges that make some days difficult at the Hillyard home. But she sees her son for who he is—a beloved child of God with infinite potential.


You have a purpose

Before you lived on earth, you lived with God. Just like earthly parents eventually send their children out into the world to learn and grow, your Heavenly Father sent you to earth to face challenges that will help you become more like Him. As you turn to God, He will guide you to find your purpose in life and gain the experiences you need to return to live with Him again someday. 

These truths will help you better understand your purpose:

You are one of a kind
You are an individual like no other. God created you with unique strengths to overcome the challenges you face and help those around you. As you work to better understand your purpose in life, pray to know how God wants you to use your gifts.
God knows you
God knows you personally. As he told the prophet Jeremiah in the Old Testament, “before I formed thee in the belly, I knew thee” (Jeremiah 1:5). He has known and loved you long before you were born. He is watching over you and knows exactly the difficulties you face. If you trust Him, God will give you the exact help you need to overcome your challenges and become a better person.
God loves you
No matter your past or how many mistakes you have made, God loves you and wants you to succeed. However much you might feel abandoned or let down by other people in your life, know that you will always be able to trust God. Turn to Him, and He will help you.
Starry night sky
“The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God.”

— Romans 8:16 (New Testament) 

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