Find Healing through Jesus Christ
Your Savior understands what you’re going through. With His help, you can overcome feelings of brokenness, fear, or hopelessness and replace them with peace.
Going through difficult things is a natural part of life. If you’re struggling right now, you’re not alone. But you may feel alone if the people around you don’t seem to understand your pain. It can help to remember there is at least one person who always understands exactly what you’re going through: Jesus Christ.
When Jesus suffered in the Garden of Gethsemane and on the cross for you and for every person who ever lived, He gained a perfect, divine understanding of everything you have ever felt and experienced. Because of that, He knows exactly how to comfort and care for you.
How can you find peace from chaos and conflict and pain? By turning to the Prince of Peace.
Jesus’s earthly ministry was marked by healing. He caused the blind to see and the deaf to hear and the bedridden to walk again. On a deeper level, the Savior healed people spiritually as He forgave their sins, gave them hope, or invited them to leave behind their old life and find new joy in following Him.
His words of comfort are every bit as applicable to you today. He promises, “Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28). If you trust the Savior with your burdens, you may not find complete healing overnight, but you can begin to heal, piece by piece.
Each email in this series will teach you new ways to find healing through Jesus Christ. To start, these four things can help you develop a closer relationship with your Savior and Redeemer: