How Do I Pray? | Come unto Christ
The Essential Questions of Prayer: How Do I Pray?

How Do I Pray?

Huckleberry Finn was onto something when he said, “You can’t pray a lie.” When you think of how to pray, the important consideration is doing it honestly and sincerely. If those two elements are in place, God will make up for other limitations you might have, such as struggling to find the right words or running a little low on faith.

From the scriptures

In the Book of Mormon, an ancient missionary named Aaron taught a powerful ruler about God. Listen to the ruler's words as he tried to pray for the first time.

illustrated background with house plants and pictures hanging on the walls
Alma 22:18
“O God, Aaron hath told me that there is a God; and if there is a God, and if thou art God, wilt thou make thyself known unto me, and I will give away all my sins to know thee.”
An illustrated background of a path through the trees
The king was unsure if God even exists, but his prayer was sincere, and that’s what counts.
He ended up receiving a powerful answer to his prayer. Likewise, God will hear your prayers no matter where you are in your spiritual journey.
An illustrated background of doors leading out to a balcony
Hannah was a faithful woman in the Old Testament who prayed desperately for a child.
When God answered her prayer, she made sure to share her gratitude:
An illustrated of a table and house plants
1 Samuel 2:1
“And Hannah prayed, and said, My heart rejoiceth in the Lord, mine horn is exalted in the Lord … because I rejoice in thy salvation.”

As you pray

Silent prayers are an important part of your relationship with God, but praying aloud has a special way of focusing your thoughts and making your prayers feel more real. If you’re new to prayer (or coming back to it), find a quiet place and try praying out loud. After all, prayer is how we talk to God, and most of us do our talking out loud. This can make your prayers feel less like a thought exercise and more like an actual conversation. When you can hear yourself praying, it makes it easier to know that God hears your prayers, too.

Missionaries praying with an elderly man

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More Questions about Prayer

Question: Why do some say thee, thou, and thine when they pray?
Answer: It’s just a way of showing reverence. Thou and thee mean “you.” Thine means “your.”
Question: What if I forget a step?
Answer: No problem. As long as you’re sincere, God will fill in the blanks.
Question: Can I add something to a prayer after it’s over?
Answer: Go for it. God doesn’t stop listening just because you say “amen.”
Question: Should I pray in the morning or evening?
Answer: Both! Prayer is a great way to start and finish your day.