Walk with Christ: Day 10 | Come unto Christ
The empty garden tomb

The Garden Tomb

After Jesus Christ died upon the cross, His heartbroken followers placed His body inside a garden tomb in an undisclosed location. They lovingly anointed His body with precious oils and wrapped Him in linen clothes. Then, with great sadness, they sealed the tomb and left. But Jesus Christ was not yet done with His miraculous work. On the third day, the tomb was found empty. Imagine the joy felt by His followers when they saw their dear teacher, leader, master, and friend alive. Here was their  long-prophesied Messiah and Savior, a glorious resurrected being. It is the same joy available to you when you “believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing ye might have life through his name” (John 20:31).

The invitation

Images of Jesus Christ hanging on a wall
Remember Jesus Christ Every Day

Jesus Christ lives today, and every day is a chance to remind ourselves of His presence in our lives. Put something up in your home that can serve as a reminder of the Savior’s Resurrection. It could be a piece of artwork, a scripture, a quote, or anything else you decide. Place it somewhere where you’ll have a chance to see it every day. You can also continue receiving reminders about Jesus Christ by signing up to receive emails and texts with inspiring daily content ­here.

A woman leans on the railing by the seaside contemplating the hope found in the Bible
Questions to Ponder

As you've gone through the "Walk With Christ" email program, how have you felt your love for Jesus Christ increase?

Moving forward, what are some goals you can set for yourself to strengthen your relationship with Jesus Christ?

Scriptures about Jesus’s Resurrection


Can you think of a friend who'd like to know the Savior better?

Tell them about Walk with Christ. Share the signup page.

Day 9
Day 1