Jesus Christ heals the ten lepers

The Road to Jerusalem

As Jesus headed south toward Jerusalem, through Galilee and Samaria, He entered an unnamed village. By this time in His ministry, word had spread of His miraculous ability to heal the sick. As He entered the village he was met by 10 men with the painful, disfiguring disease of leprosy—a condition that would have made them outcasts from society. They called out to Him, pleading “Master, have mercy on us” (Luke 17:13). Jesus Christ instructed them, “Go shew yourselves unto the priests” (Luke 17:14) who would determine they were cleansed from their illness and fit to reenter society. As the 10 made their way to the priests, they discovered that they had been healed. They were overjoyed at their deliverance from the terrible affliction, yet only one of them came back to thank Jesus in person. The one who returned to express gratitude was rewarded when Jesus declared him not only healed but also whole.

The invitation

Two woman hug each other at church
Give back by giving thanks

Gratitude is powerful. When we express it, the healing we find may not be as visible as that experienced by the 10 lepers, but it is just as transformative. Dedicate a day to expressing gratitude—in person, online, or over the phone. Also, like the one leper who returned, don’t forget to take time to pray and offer thanks for the influence of Jesus Christ in your life.

A man walks down a winding mountain road
Questions to ponder

Who’s someone you can reach out to and express gratitude?

What has happened in the past few days that has been a blessing for you?

What makes you feel gratitude for Jesus Christ?

Scriptures about gratitude


Day 4
Day 6