A hill overlooking the ocean

Mount of Beatitudes, Nazareth

Compared to the world’s highest peaks, the place where Jesus Christ delivered His Sermon on the Mount would look like little more than a bump on the horizon. But His teachings from that hillside have the power to change lives immensely. It was on this mount that Jesus gave us the pattern for truly meaningful prayer, along with many other timeless teachings. The Lord’s Prayer shows us how to express thanks to our Heavenly Father and to ask for and receive help in our lives. 

The invitation

A man contemplates prayer while sitting on a bus
Find peace in prayer

You’re invited to strengthen your relationship with God through prayer the way Jesus taught. Offer a prayer following the pattern laid out in the Lord’s Prayer. First address your Heavenly Father. From there, you can do some or all of the following:

A man kneels in prayer asking for evidence of God

Express gratitude for your blessings.

Acknowledge God’s hand in your life.

Seek to know God’s will for you.

Ask for help to meet the physical, spiritual, and emotional needs of your family.

Ask God for forgiveness for the things you have done wrong and ask Him to help you forgive those who have hurt you.

Pray for strength to do the right thing.

A couple kneel in prayer together

When you’re finished, close your prayer in the name of Jesus Christ and then say “amen,” which is an ancient way of saying “truly” or “so be it.”  And remember, the more you pray, the more comfortable and natural it will feel to you.

A man studies the Book of Mormon while sitting above a beach
Questions to Ponder

Where would be a peaceful place for you to pray where you won’t be disturbed?

What things do you want God to help you with?

How can you find the courage to accept God’s will instead of your own?

Scriptures about prayer

Maps and depictions

Day 5
Day 7