Jesus Christ between two thieves hangs on the cross

Golgotha (or Calvary)

Of the many places Jesus Christ walked, perhaps no steps were more painful than the ones that would take Him to the site of His Crucifixion at Golgotha (also called Calvary), a hill outside of Jerusalem’s city walls. There, fastened to a cross, He encountered people who cruelly mocked Him saying, “He saved others; let him save himself” (Luke 23:35). But Jesus chose to save us instead of Himself. He asked His Father to forgive the Roman soldiers who were crucifying Him, “for they [knew] not what they [did]” (Luke 23:34). These words are a powerful reminder that Jesus Christ suffered so that all of God’s children—even those who tormented Him—would have the chance to change and repent to find the forgiveness that comes through His atoning sacrifice.

The invitation

A woman prays at her kitchen table
Practice forgiveness to feel freedom

If Jesus Christ could forgive those who hurt Him, maybe we can find the strength to forgive the people who have hurt us. You’re invited to try an experiment. Think of someone you would like to forgive. Write them a letter forgiving them. It doesn’t have to be more than a few sentences long. That’s it. You don’t need to send it. Just write it and see how it feels.

A woman stares out of a bus window contemplating the blessings of Jesus Christ
Questions to Ponder

Why do you think Jesus Christ was able to forgive those who hurt Him?

How does it hurt us to hold onto the pain others have caused us?

What do we gain by forgiving those who have done us wrong?

Scriptures about forgiveness

Maps and depictions

Day 8