A girl reads the Book of Mormon on her couch

This Christmas, Find Jesus’s Light in the Book of Mormon

Get a free digital copy of the Book of Mormon, and study it with missionaries via voice or video call.

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The Wise Men followed the light of a star to bring them to Jesus. You also have a guiding light to bring you to the Savior: the word of God found in the Bible and the Book of Mormon. Like the Bible, the Book of Mormon is a holy record that contains the teachings of Jesus, but it was written by the people of the ancient Americas.

As you read the Book of Mormon, you will feel God's love for you. You will find answers to life's problems and greater strength to deal with them. And you will come to know the Savior better as you try to follow His example.

In addition to providing a free Book of Mormon, missionaries can also show you The Christ Child, a short film about the birth of Jesus Christ. Watch the trailer below.

Mary and Joseph hold the baby Jesus

The Christ Child | Official Trailer


What will my conversation with missionaries be like?

They'll pray with you, read with you, and answer your questions. A missionary's purpose is to help you come closer to Jesus. Christmas is the perfect time to focus on your relationship with the Savior and reflect on all He has done for you.

A man studies the Book of Mormon with missionaries online

Study the Book of Mormon with Us
