
This world is difficult. Everyone has their own fears and worries, but all is possible with Jesus Christ. Watch below to learn how to walk with Him.

Missionaries from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Missionaries from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

He Lives

He Lives

Because of the Resurrection, Jesus Christ lives. Because of Him, you can overcome sin and experience everlasting joy.

Because of Him

Explore what is possible because of Him

Jesus Christ is our Savior. Because of Him, we can change for the better and live again with God.

Missionaries contacting someone who filled out a form to meet with them
Missionaries contacting someone who filled out a form to meet with them

Hear the Words of Jesus

Listen to the voice of Jesus Christ

Just as Jesus Christ spoke to his apostles in ancient times, he speaks to us today. Listen to His words and teachings.

words and things

What Is a Visit Like?

Watch the video or swipe through to learn what to expect.

Missionaries from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Missionaries from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

What to Expect

1. Click the button below

Click to contact missionaries so we can get in touch.

Missionaries contacting someone who filled out a form to meet with them
2. Missionaries will contact you

You’ll get a call or text from missionaries to arrange a visit. Keep in mind, it might be from a number that you don’t recognize.

Missionaries showing up for a scheduled appointment
3. Choose a time and place

You can meet with missionaries online, in your home, or anywhere you'd like. Visits are typically 15 minutes to an hour—just let the missionaries know how much time you have.

4. Enjoy your visit!

Missionaries will typically pray with you, get to know you, read scripture verses with you, and answer your questions. The missionaries want you to get the most out of your experience, so feel free to tell them if you’d like to talk about something specifically on your mind. 

words and things

Hear What Others Have to Say

Meet with Missionaries Online or In Person

Find comfort by talking with missionaries. We can read the scriptures with you and help you find peace through prayer.

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Who are the missionaries?

Here are 10 things to know about Missionaries

Click here to find out

1. They’re the ones with the black name tags with the church’s name on it.
2. They always come in two or more!
3. They don’t just look young they are young.
4. They listen and care for your needs and wants.
5. They don’t get paid, but the benefits are great.
6. You can talk with them in person or online.
7. They respect their mothers, the law, and your time.
8. Not everyone agrees with them, but most people like them.
9. Lots of people do agree with them.
10. They are just doing their best to walk with Christ

Frequently Asked Questions

Can we live with our loved ones again in Heaven?
Yes! We know that we will be able to see and live with our loved ones again, through living the teachings of Jesus Christ!
What is the purpose of my life?
The purpose of this life is to, (1) Gain experience, (2) Prepare to meet God, (3) Have Joy!
What happens after I die?
When we die, our bodies are buried and our spirits go to a place called the Spirit World. There, those who knew and accepted Jesus Christ can rest. For those who didn’t, they have the opportunity to accept Him and his teachings!
If God loves us, why is there so much suffering and hardship in the world?
God allows us to suffer so that we can find true joy. Whether it’s from the actions of others or the trials of life, God allows us to have trials to help us learn, turn to him, and become who we need to be. Through His Atonement, Jesus Christ made it possible for us to overcome any trial and all the unfairness of life

How does the Book of Mormon work with the Bible?

We know the Bible, and we love it. Through the Book of Mormon God has shown us his love for us again, and it’s life changing. It is another testament of Jesus Christ. Here is how these two books testify of Jesus Christ.

Strengthen Your Faith in Jesus

A missionary’s purpose is to help people come closer to Jesus Christ. Here are a few ways you can do that.