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#HearHim this Holy Week

During Holy Week, Jesus Christ used His words and actions to change the world forever. By reflecting on His life and teachings, we can use the eight days of Holy Week to find more peace and happiness in our lives. Swipe through the card stack below to learn about each day of Holy Week followed by inspiring daily invitations to #HearHim.

Holy Week - Palm Sunday
Day 1: Palm Sunday

On Palm Sunday, Jesus Christ rides triumphantly into Jerusalem as His followers lay down cloaks and palm fronds in His path. They welcome Him with joy and praise. They know there is something special about this man, even though few, if any, realize the full extent of Jesus’s mission and how He is about to fulfill it.

Holy Week - Palm Sunday
Day 1: #HearHim by Inviting Him

One thing we can do to invite the influence of Jesus Christ into our lives is to let the people around you know that you love them, just as He did. Take time today to send someone a message of love.

Holy Week - Jesus Cleanses the Temple
Day 2: The Temple

After entering Jerusalem, one of the first places Jesus visits is the temple. There, inside His father’s house, Jesus sees various merchants doing business. To see a place of worship converted into a center of commerce is something that Jesus cannot abide. Speaking with unmistakable authority, He commands them to leave.

Holy Week - Jesus Cleanses the Temple
Day 2: #HearHim by Removing Distractions

Set aside time today to disconnect from your devices and do something that’s good for your soul, whether it’s spending time with your family, taking a moment to contemplate life, or whatever else helps you feel closer to God.

Holy Week - Christ Teaches
Day 3: Christ Teaches

In Jerusalem, Jesus Christ is surrounded by followers and critics. As the master teacher, He does not let the opportunity go to waste. Here, in the last week of His life, He shares some of His most enduring teachings with the assembled masses. He lets them (and us) know that the greatest way we can serve God is by serving our fellow man.

Holy Week - Christ Teaches
Day 3: #HearHim by Serving

Take some time today to serve someone else. It can be something large or small, for a person in your home or a person online. Just do your best to make a difference in someone’s life.

Holy Week - Scripture Fulfilled
Day 4: Scripture Fulfilled

As Jesus Christ continues to teach His followers, one thing becomes clear—Jesus has a deep knowledge and love of the scriptures. Throughout the week, Jesus often quotes the very scriptures He’s fulfilling.

Holy Week - Scripture Fulfilled
Day 4: #HearHim through the Scriptures

Share a verse that makes you feel closer to Jesus Christ.

Holy Week - The Last Supper
Day 5: The Last Supper

On Thursday evening, Jesus Christ gathers His Apostles together to share a meal and express His love for them. The Last Supper is a quiet, beautiful moment that takes place before Jesus Christ enters the Garden of Gethsemane later that night. His Apostles don’t understand the suffering He is about to undertake, but they know something sacred is happening as their dear friend and Master invites them to remember Him.

Holy Week - The Last Supper
Day 5: #HearHim by Remembering Him

Today, acknowledge the blessings you have in your life because of Jesus Christ’s sacrifice. As you remember, take some time to share your reasons.

Holy Week - Good Friday
Day 6: Good Friday

In the early hours of the morning, Jesus is betrayed into the hands of the local authorities. After a series of one-sided trials, He is sentenced to death by crucifixion. While on the cross, He is surrounded by people who cruelly mock Him. But instead of condemning them, Jesus Christ begs His Father to “Forgive them, for they know not what they do.”

Holy Week - Good Friday
Day 6: #HearHim through Forgiveness

Invite peace into your life by thinking of someone you can forgive.

Holy Week - Jesus in the Tomb
Day 7: The Tomb

It’s hard to imagine the anguish Jesus Christ’s followers must have felt on the day after His death. The night before, His body was lovingly prepared and placed in a garden tomb. Today, they are left to figure out how life can possibly go on without Him.

Holy Week - Jesus in the Tomb
Day 7: #HearHim through Prayer

Take some time today to pour out your heart to God in prayer as you prepare to celebrate the joy of Easter Sunday.

Holy Week - Easter Sunday
Day 8: Easter Sunday

Early in the morning, Mary Magdalene, a friend and follower of Jesus, comes to the tomb to care for Jesus Christ’s body. To her astonishment, she finds the tomb empty. But she is not alone. A man addresses her, a gardener, she supposes. But then He says her name, “Mary.” And she sees. He is Jesus. The Christ lives.

Holy Week - Easter Sunday
Day 8: #HearHim through Worship

Today, turn your home into a place of joy as you reflect upon Jesus Christ’s Resurrection. You’re encouraged to celebrate with inspiring music and inspirational videos.

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When you feel alone, prayer can help you feel God's love. Request to join with missionaries online in prayer.

Share your experiences during Holy Week with #HearHim