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{"churchName":"The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints","distanceUnits":"miles","geolocateAriaLabel":"Use Geolocation","mapSearchButtonAriaLabel":"Use Map Search","getDirections":"Get Directions","distanceText":"miles away","singleResult":"Here is your community church.","multipleResults":"Here are some congregations near you.","churchServiceTime":"{day} Service Times","generalWard":"General Congregation","ysaWard":"Young Single Adult Congregation (age 18-30)","saWard":"Single Adult Congregation (age 31-45)","addressLabel":"Address","noResultsString":"Sorry, no matching congregation could be found. Try modifying what you're looking for.","narrowItDown":"Narrow results to your community church ❯","wardExplanation":"
Congregations (we call them wards) and meeting times are assigned based on where you live. This allows you to elevate your worship experience by fellowshipping with others in your neighborhood and local community each week. Find your community church by entering your full home address.
","searchExactAddress":"Search","searchLabel":"Address","instructions":"Results will appear here","languageLabel":"Language","locationLabel":"Your current location","locationLabelShortened":"Your location","searchThisArea":"Search This Area","name":"Name","address":"Address","startDate":"Start Date","endDate":"End Date","facebook":"Facebook","facebookLink":"Facebook Link","instagram":"Instagram","instagramLink":"Instagram Link"}%7B%22campaignIds%22:%5B%5D,%22unitIds%22:%5B%5D%7D