You Can Feel Closer to God
However you’re feeling, the gospel of Jesus Christ points the way to more peace and clarity. Missionaries for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints can help you draw closer to God and discover how His plan of happiness makes it possible for you to live with your loved ones for eternity.
Schedule a visit with missionaries
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You will receive several messages via text or WhatsApp to confirm your request and help you prepare for your visit.
Missionaries in your area will contact you soon.
We’re excited to talk about Jesus Christ’s teachings with you. We can meet in person or online.
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Learn How Taking the First Step toward God Helped These People
“The first meeting with missionaries just really made me realize how I am a child of God. Now I feel like I have a daily connection to both God and Jesus Christ.”
“The way the missionaries made me feel is how I would imagine that God wanted me to feel.”
“I'm developing a relationship with Jesus Christ. I'm learning and I'm growing and understanding more about life than I ever understood before.”
“Knowing that God always loves me, no matter what happened in my past, it’s a completely different world.”
What to Expect from Your Visit
We’re excited to meet with you. Here’s what your visit might be like:
We’ll get to know each other.
We’ll pray together.
We’ll learn about God’s plan of happiness and how to come closer to Him.
We’ll invite you to feel God’s love for you at church.