Family History: Uniting the People that Are Part of You

Families are a central part of Heavenly Father’s plan of happiness, both in this life and in the life to come. That’s one reason why family history is so important to Latter-day Saints. Ancestors are more than old photographs and census records. They’re real people whose choices and sacrifices helped shape who you are today. They’re part of you, and they—along with your family here and now—can be with you forever.

Meet with missionaries to learn about God’s plan for families and how you can be together after this life—spouses, children, great-great-grandparents, and all. And if you want to learn more about the people in your family tree, we’d be happy to introduce you to some family history resources available to you.

Talk with missionaries about God’s plan for families

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The Blessings of Knowing Families Can Be Forever

“I have this firm belief that when [we] leave this life, there are others waiting on the other side. And seeing that perspective is a privilege. I know where I’m going after this life, and I know that it will be a joyous reunion much in the same way that life has been here. Only it will be forever.”
“As a convert to the Church, I am so grateful to know that families can be together for eternity. This has given me a greater perspective on our time here on earth, to have an answer of where we will go.”
“If you’ve met my wife, you know that she’s an extraordinary person. And I’ve felt very blessed to know that we have an opportunity to be together forever. It was such a wonderful experience knowing that I’m going in [the temple] and I’m going to be a family, not just for this life but forever.”
“The gospel blesses my family. ... We grow and bond together more as we all keep an eternal perspective in our lives and on how we are living to all end up together once again. The gospel has taught me that families are eternal, which has given a stronger importance to this life. We are living for more than just this earth life.”

What to Expect from Your Visit with Missionaries

We’re excited to meet you and to help you find peace through God’s plan of happiness. Here’s what your visit might be like:

Missionaries getting to know the people they’re visiting
We’ll get to know each other.
Missionaries praying with a woman before studying together
We’ll pray together.
Missionaries reading to a woman from the Book of Mormon
We’ll talk about how families are central to God’s plan.
Two women sitting together at church
We’ll invite you to worship with a loving church family.

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