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Learn How God Speaks to You
When you turn to God, He answers your prayers—but it can be hard to recognize His quiet guidance in your busy life. We can teach you how.
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Common Questions
Receiving answers from God is a very personal experience. As your Heavenly Father, He knows the best way to give you guidance for your life—and that might look different than the way He speaks to someone else. If you’re struggling to feel like He’s listening, try to be patient. Recognize that God can answer you in many different ways, including:
Passages of scripture.
The kind words and actions of others.
Positive thoughts and feelings from the Holy Spirit.
Speaking to your heart and mind with a still, small voice.
Sometimes God doesn’t seem to answer prayers right away—or at all. Does that mean He doesn’t care or that He’s not listening? No. Sometimes, God waits to answer our prayers because He trusts us to make the right decision. Other times, God requires us to patiently wait for an answer so we can build our faith and trust in Him. And on some occasions, God gives us answers but they may not be what we’d hoped for. Whatever the answer, take comfort in the fact that God always listens when you pray, and He will give you the right guidance at the right time.
God often communicates with us through His Holy Spirit in the form of good thoughts and ideas or peaceful, comforting feelings. When we feel those things, it means God is encouraging us, showing us truth, and giving us direction for our lives.
Everyone will feel the Holy Spirit in their own way. However, in the Bible it’s often described as a “still small voice” (see 1 Kings 19:11–12) that almost seems to whisper to your mind.
No, missionary visits are free for everyone. Jesus Christ invites all to come unto Him “without money and without price” (Isaiah 55:1). Missionaries actually pay to see you, covering their own costs to come on a mission. Local Church leaders and class instructors don’t get paid either.
Church service times vary from congregation to congregation. However, you can always count on one main worship service for everyone, followed by classes for children, youth, and adults.
The service for everyone is called “sacrament meeting.” This meeting consists of songs, prayers, and sermons (or “talks”) given by different members of the congregation every week. But the most important part of the meeting is when we take the bread and water of the sacrament (similar to Communion) to remember the Savior.
If you would like to worship with us, missionaries can answer your questions, share information about the time and place of your local worship services, and then save you a seat when you’re ready to visit.