Strive Every Day to Become a Better Christian

Following Jesus Christ is the greatest, most rewarding journey you can embark on. It’s an everyday decision, a collection of choices you can make throughout your life to become more like Him. 

Because everyone is imperfect, sometimes we fall short—but through Jesus’s grace, you can always get back up and try again. Meet with missionaries to learn more about Jesus and how you can draw on the power of His redeeming sacrifice each day. We’ll also connect you to a community of supportive individuals who are striving, just like you, to follow Him.

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Learn more about The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

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The Blessings of Following Jesus

Shih Jing
“Ever since I came to know the gospel of Jesus Christ, my life has really changed. My life has become happier and happier because the gospel brings me so much hope. Also, I have the example of Jesus Christ, which I can really learn from and emulate.”
“The teachings of Jesus Christ help my family obtain true joy. They help our home be filled with the Spirit, and they help us know how we should live.”
“Jesus Christ to me, what He’s done in my life is a small miracle. To bring someone from the darkness, it’s amazing what He has done in my life—how He has changed me.”
“The gospel has played a vital role in holding our family together. And as we make Jesus Christ the center of our home and hearts, my family is happier and we can see each other with Christlike eyes.”

What to Expect from Your Visit

We’re excited to meet you and to help you as you strive to be more like Jesus. Here’s what your visit might be like:

Missionaries getting to know the people they’re visiting
We’ll get to know each other.
Missionaries praying with a woman before studying together
We’ll pray together.
Missionaries reading to a woman from the Book of Mormon
We’ll talk about Jesus Christ and His teachings.
Two women greet each other at church
We’ll invite you to worship with a loving Christian community.

Common Questions