Strive Every Day to Become a Better Christian
Following Jesus Christ is the greatest, most rewarding journey you can embark on. It’s an everyday decision, a collection of choices you can make throughout your life to become more like Him.
Because everyone is imperfect, sometimes we fall short—but through Jesus’s grace, you can always get back up and try again. Meet with missionaries to learn more about Jesus and how you can draw on the power of His redeeming sacrifice each day. We’ll also connect you to a community of supportive individuals who are striving, just like you, to follow Him.
Sign up to meet with missionaries
Learn more about The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
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You will receive several messages via text or WhatsApp to confirm your request and help you prepare for your visit.
Missionaries in your area will contact you soon.
We’re excited to talk about Jesus Christ’s teachings with you. We can meet in person or online.
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The Blessings of Following Jesus
What to Expect from Your Visit
We’re excited to meet you and to help you as you strive to be more like Jesus. Here’s what your visit might be like: