What Is Christianity, and How Can It Help Me?

Christianity is a religion founded on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. If you’ve heard of Jesus, you may know that He was a great teacher, a healer, and a prophet—but He is so much more than that.

Jesus is the Son of God, and He came to earth to be a perfect example to us of righteousness and love. He suffered all our pain, anxieties, and heartaches so that we would never have to face our trials alone. He gave His life to pay for our sins so we can have the opportunity to return to live with God and our families again. Meet with missionaries from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to learn more about Christianity and how following Jesus’s teachings can fill your life with joy.

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The Blessings of Following Jesus

“The teachings of Jesus Christ help my family obtain true joy. They help our home be filled with the Spirit, and they help us know how we should live.”
“I think one of the biggest things that helped me overcome this huge trial in my life was the fact that finally I realized that there was somebody who had felt exactly how I was feeling. … And because of [Jesus], I knew I could have the courage to trust. To trust God, to trust Christ, to get me through a time when I felt like I was worthless.”
“Despite the mistakes I had made, the wrong turns I had taken, and the faith that I had abandoned, my Savior was there with open arms, ready and willing to help me back. He was there to lift me up when I needed Him most.”
“Jesus Christ is real. And I know that through Him, things can be OK again—and better than you ever imagined they could be.”

What to Expect from Your Visit

We’re excited to meet you and to help you learn more about Jesus Christ and His teachings. Here’s what your visit with missionaries might be like:

Missionaries getting to know the people they’re visiting
We’ll get to know each other.
Missionaries praying with a woman before studying together
We’ll pray together.
Missionaries reading to a woman from the Book of Mormon
We’ll talk about the life and mission of Jesus Christ.
Two women greet each other at church
We’ll invite you to worship with a loving Christian community.

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