Become More like Jesus Christ by Loving Your Neighbor

Jesus taught that there are two great commandments: “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart” and “Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself” (Matthew 22:37, 39). While loving God is often easy, feeling love for all His children is sometimes difficult—especially when we don’t always see eye to eye.

As you learn more about Jesus, you can learn to love others as He did. Missionaries can help you grow closer to Christ, understand His teachings, and introduce you to a church community of service and love.

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Real People Share about Christlike Love

“The main thing that I want to do to be more Christlike is to love everyone. If we could love everyone like Christ loved everyone, ... what a perfect world it would be.”
“Church is not just going to a building and sitting and listening to a sermon. It is doing the work. That’s what the Lord wants us to do. He wants us to go out and serve other people as He served us.”
“I believe service is not just a series of acts but a lifestyle.”
“Christ taught that compassion is something that should be a part of our lives because we’re all sons and daughters of our Heavenly Father.”

What to Expect from Your Visit

We’re excited to meet you and to help you feel the love that Jesus has for you and others. Here’s what your visit might be like:

Missionaries getting to know the people they’re visiting
We’ll get to know each other.
Missionaries praying with a woman before studying together
We’ll pray together.
Missionaries reading to a woman from the Book of Mormon
We’ll talk about Jesus and how to become more like Him.
Two women greet each other at church
We’ll invite you to learn more about Jesus by worshipping with us at church.

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